Leap Motion Midi synth in Max

Midi notes triggered by finger movement



folder: leap-motion

patch: leapfinger2.maxpat

externals and dependencies

Download the aka.leapmotion external – and add it to your Max file path in options | file preferences: http://akamatsu.org/aka/max/objects/


  • plug in a Leap Motion sensor
  • Click the toggle to start reading Leap Motion data
  • Wave your fingers around to play notes

chord generator using Live Object Model

Global tempo setting triggers Midi chords



folder: repeater

device: chord.amxd

  1. drag chord.amxd into a midi track
  2. put a midi instrument after the device in the track
  3. start the global transport (play on top toolbar)
  4. arm the midi track for record
  5. play some midi notes
  6. adjust the note value in the device

random tone and speed changes

This version randomly generates chord tones and and note durations.

In the same folder, device: chord2.amxd

  1. drag chord2.amxd into a midi track
  2. put a midi instrument after the device in the track
  3. start the global transport (play on top toolbar)
  4. arm the midi track for record
  5. hold down a Midi note
  6. Use toggles to select parameters to randomize

csound M4L devices made from Max help patches

Examples of editing Max help files to build Csound M4L devices


A formant based Midi synth using Csound FOF – from the Max help file for [csound~]

from “The Csound Book” by Dr. Richard Boulanger



folder: csound

device: csound-fof3-tz.amxd


  • drag csound-fof3-tz.amxd file into a midi track
  • arm the track for recording and play some midi notes


Sample playback using a state variable filter using Csound SVFILTER – from the Max help file for [csound~]

from “The Csound Book” by Dr. Richard Boulanger



folder: csound

device: svfilter-tz.amxd


  • drag svfilter-tz.amxd file into a midi track
  • drag a file into the waveform display (or use the default file)
  • With the mouse, select a section of the waveform to start playback

general suggestions

for converting Max help files to M4L devices:

  • Replace UI objects with Live versions. For example, toggle becomes live.toggle
  • Replace audio inputs/outputs with plugin~/plugout~
  • Select UI objects for presentation mode
  • In inspector, change default Scripting names for UI objects to allow automation

build M4L devices using Max help patches

Edit Max help files to build M4L devices

An audio pitch transposer made from [gizmo~]



folder: gizmo

device: gizmo-mod-example.amxd


  • drag gizmo-mod-example.amxd file into an audio track
  • use dial to pitch-shift audio

Leap Motion version

If you have access to a leap motion sensor, here is the same device using hand gestures to control the pitch.

device: gizmo-thing-700.amxd

externals and dependencies

Uses the aka.leapmotion external – which needs to be in your Max file path. Download from here: http://akamatsu.org/aka/max/objects/


  • plug in a Leap Motion sensor
  • drag gizmo-mod-700.amxd file into an audio track
  • Click the toggle to start reading Leap Motion data
  • Wave your hands around to pitch-shift audio

general suggestions

for converting Max help files to Max for Live devices:

  • Replace UI objects with Live versions. For example, toggle becomes live.toggle
  • Replace audio inputs/outputs with plugin~/plugout~
  • Select UI objects for presentation mode
  • In patch inspector, set the patch to open in presentation mode
  • In UI object inspectors, change default Scripting names to allow automation. “Long Name” is the name used by Live for automation

Ableton Live looping project

Current local version is in tkzic/van project/van47g key9d.als


  • Using Korg nanoKontrol instead of foot pedals (actually either will work) – see map below
  • Now works with any audio interface
  • Mic input for channel 9 is fed to output to use as direct live monitor

Essentially it now works with a minimal amount of external hardware.


Backed up the midiStroke config file in its current state. The file is located at: /Users/tkzic/Library/Application Support/midiStroke/midiStroke.cdcmidistroke. Backups will be kept in the same folder.

nanoKontrol map

Scene 1
Top row of buttons
  1. up
  2. down
  3. left
  4. right
  5. stop all clips
  6. delete
  7. finish recording and arm track to the right (enter/right/enter)
  8. record start/stop (enter)
  9. launch scene in current row and move cursor to track 5
bottom row of buttons
  1. unassigned…

Correspond to track levels 1-9

  1. Master level
  2. unassigned…

what’s next

  • Make a lightweight template version (without all of Van’s music) – that can be used for new projects
  • set up with Launchpad to do fx processing
  • Midi version – or midi tracks?


Guitar Hero controller installation Mac OS

Running the 0,08 driver in Mavericks. Also did a successful test install in Mac OS 10.8.

But later versions of the drivers don’t work.


1. download the following

2. If you need to un-install previous failed driver, what the video linked below for instructions. You will need to start a shell in terminal by typing:
sudo sh

Then drag the uninstaller file into terminal and run it. Note, you may need to make the .sh file executable by doing a: chmod +x on the file.

3. run the .dmg file for version .08 of installer

4. drag the controller list file into the controller list installer app (enter admin password twice)

5  restart computer

6. Plug in Guitar Hero controller. It should show up in system preferences xbox 360

Helpful hints from a previous post


The above video was the key to doing a nearly impossible install. Here is the text from the Youtube info just in case the video disappears…

Uploaded by  on Feb 12, 2012

A tutorial on installing the Tattiebogle v0.08 drivers on Osx Lion

Controller list installer

Controller list

UnTattie – Uninstaller

0.08 version of TattieBogle drivers that will overwrite other versions
(May or may not work)

Tattiebogle’s page for getting v0.08

Link to the forums containing tons of help on getting these drivers running right!

Location of the files for manual deletion.



And this last one may or may not be there but make sure and check just incase.

Here’s also another video I made teaching how to update the .plist yourself so assure you’re controller is compatible.

It’s also good to note that it may help if after you run the uninstaller and/or manually delete the file that you do a secure trash empty with can be done from the desktop if you click Finder at the top there should be an “Empty Trash” and a “Secure Empty Trash” BE WARNED THOUGH this will permanently delete the files in your trash bin!

a Max patch

Fretbuzz by the guitarzeroes: https://reactivemusic.net/?p=1082