updates to audioGraph for iOS 7

Submitted an update (1.2) to Apple for audioGraph today.

Mostly bug fixes:

  • screen size issues in iPod touch 5g
  • missing icon files for retina
  • fixed crash on load
  • made play buttons more visible for triggering samples
  • solved no root view controller error
  • new splash screen for iPod touch 5g
  • etc.,
  • fixed sync issues with github and Xcode

The upgrade to App store is 1.2 but the github version is at 1.3 – as there were a few incidental issues that didn’t get in the submission.

Next release should deal with these issues:

Version 2 should have automatic reference counting and make use of new NSNotification method of handing delegates.

I would like to leave the current version alone and start a new project from scratch – because the iOS dev process has changed greatly in 3 years.

Note: current local source code is in tkzic/coreaudio/audioGraph1.3

github is: https://github.com/tkzic/audiograph


max-for-live-projects index

A collection of experiments using Max for Live.

Each project is in a separate folder. Several projects require additional external objects or dependencies. You will find helpful instructions by clicking links next to the project names below.


max-for-live-projects on Github: https://github.com/tkzic/max-for-live-projects

Runs in Live 9 and Max 6.1, on Mac OS 10.9


max-projects index

A collection of experiments using Max

Each project is in a separate folder. Several projects require additional external objects or dependencies. Get instructions by clicking links next to each project names below.


max-projects on Github: https://github.com/tkzic/max-projects

Runs in Max 6.1.7 on Mac OS 10.9


3/27/2015 – Note: the index is not current with the contents at github. To find information about a patch, search for the patch name – or github folder name – at this site.

Google speech API v2


update 5/17/2014: The key in the post below is now disabled. Trying this one: AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw 

It worked for now – but I will probably need to get a real key… and add instructions for inserting the key into the patches: robot_conversation5.maxpat and speech-to-google-text-api5.maxpat

Basic instructions are

  • edit Max patch
  • go into the sub patch: call-google-speech and replace the key string inside the curl command with the correct key.
earlier post

v1 API of Google Speech broke a few days ago.

Here is an example of how to run v2. https://github.com/gillesdemey/google-speech-v2

I have updated the Max patches in the Internet Sensors project. https://github.com/tkzic/internet-sensors

This version of the API produces malformed JSON responses.

Here’s an example using curl:

curl -v -i -X POST -H “Content-Type:audio/x-flac; rate=16000” -T /tmp/tweet.flac “https://www.google.com/speech-api/v2/recognize?xjerr=1&client=chromium&lang=en-US&maxresults=10&pfilter=0&xjerr=1&key=AIzaSyCnl6MRydhw_5fLXIdASxkLJzcJh5iX0M4”

Instructions for getting a real key…  http://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/api-keys

Note: Need to look at the double buffering methods in the Max patches to make sure they are handling various sample rates properly. I think they may be optimized for 44.1 KHz



Prevent blocking in Max externals

In situations where external objects “block” bangs, for example with aka.shell,  you can encapsulate the block by inserting a delay object before the bang that triggers the external.

This way, everything above the delay will run immediately and only the objects after the delay will block.