ep-3xx41 Max – week 8

David Zicarelli from Cycling74


– Music is technology independent.
– Technology has a sound.

Music exists on a continuum from predicability to unpredicability

  • David on Miller Puckette: He programmed with a bottle of Scotch (a chemical version of Occam’s razor?) His code also featured swear words as variable names. And allegedly he did not always wear pants while working
  • One of Cycling74’s goals was simply to make Max into a commercial product.
  • I was rejected from every graduate  school music program that I applied to.
  • The Internet provides an equivalent way for introverts to seek out extroverted people.
  • I do wear pants when I’m working.
  • The “jumping Rhoomba” – [When you don’t understand how to program something you can get interesting results].
  • The world has the same properties as a musical instrument.
  • Nobody cares about technology – just the outcome.
  • Computers were designed for office work.
  • David Rokeby http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Rokeby Using cameras as controllers to make sound. (specularity)
  • For example, Autotune technology has a sound.


Make music based on the two concepts:

  • music is technology independent
  • technology has a sound
David said that he would be willing to listen to the results and offer suggestions.


ep-3xx41 Max – week 11

Max For Live

  • Max For Live gives you the ability to tweak almost any aspect of Ableton Live. Its equivalent to working under the hood of a car.


  • chord.amxd
  • tempo-test.amxd
[wpdm_file id=13]


Assignment: synopsis

Write a very short composition or sound logo based on a synopsis of a movie, tv show, or product in City Shopper* – For example:

  • “A sheriff and deputy try to rid their town of thugs”
  • “An evil doll and its mate seek human form”
  • “Stewie looks into his future”
  • “National Aviation Academy: training aviation professionals since 1932”
Use Max For Live device(s) that you have designed or modified.
*You can use an alternate source. For example, write a composition for a product or film that you are trying to promote – As long as you can describe that product in one sentence.
Extra Credit: Perform the music using a controller that works with a Max For Live device.
Due on November 25.

Max data recorder

This has been around for a while and is being used in several internetSensor projects. Records and plays back lists (this version allows lists where the first element is a symbol). Can record and playback simultaneously at different rates. Was originally adapted from MZ’s CNMAT example. And subsequently ruined.



folder: data-recorder


  • data-recorder-wrapper.maxpat (main entry point)
  • data_recorder_list-tz.maxpat (recorder abstraction)

There is also an example of multi-rate streaming in: data-recorder-tester.maxpat


Getting started with Google Maps

Installed working example at:


The Google static map API:


The tracks API:


Simple Google Maps example from Jayway:


Yet another example using geolocation:


Got this one working, sort of, here:



ep-4xx13 DSP – week 11

Internet API’s

the past


Please email me a synopsis of project idea [email protected]




ep-4xx13 DSP – week 9

Artists and Ideas, reversibility


Artists: discovery, exploration, and vision

How to get ideas: John Cleese on Creativity


(from last week)

Choose an idea for project. We will work on this over the next 3-4 weeks. Several of you have asked about designing interactive projects involving sonification, Internet API’s, environmental sensors, interactive art etc., Lets do it. Write a short description of what you would like to do and email it to me before next week’s class.


libpd, Leap Motion, and Osc, in Openframeworks

On Mac OS 10.8 using Xcode 5, and openframeworks version 8

  1. Install and test openframeworks from http://www.openframeworks.cc/download/ 
  2. Install and test libpd https://github.com/danomatika/ofxPd (you should be able to run the example programs)
  3. Install and test leap motion https://github.com/ofTheo/ofxLeapMotion  (you should be able to run the example programs)
  4. Install Pd (I installed pd-extended, even though this project is limitied to Pd ‘vanilla’) http://puredata.info/downloads

Note: The Osc addon is already provided with openframeworks distribution. At this point you have everything you need to run the test example.

  • Download the project: http://zerokidz.com/downloads/leadPdTest5.zip
  • Copy the leapPdTest5 folder into the ofx8/addons/ofxLeapMotion folder
  • Launch the xcode project: leapPdTest5.xcodeproj
  • plug in a leap and turn up the volume
  • Compile and run (you may need to compile the openframeworks scheme first)



semi-reversible ways to transform a signal

  • modulation: AM, FM, SSB -> demodulation AM, FM, SSB https://reactivemusic.net/?p=8885
  • FFT -> IFFT (use Max [fft~] and [ifft~] objects)
  • inverse -> inverse (phase cancellation) https://reactivemusic.net/?p=8879
  • reciprocal [!/~ 1] -> reciprocal (big difference in sound)
  • frequency shifting -> frequency shifting (use Max [freqshift~] object)
  • add constant to amplitude -> subtract constant from amplitude
  • DAC -> ADC
  • lossless encoding -> decoding (FLAC)
  • lossy encoding -> decoding (mp3)
  • packetize -> unpactetize
  • send stream -> receive stream


ep-3xx41 Max – week 9

Max For Live

  • We had to abandon the Max For Live demo because of technical issues


Examples of sound logos:

Assignment: Synopsis

Write a very short composition or sound logo based on a synopsis of a movie, tv show, or product in City Shopper* – For example:

  • “A sheriff and deputy try to rid their town of thugs”
  • “An evil doll and its mate seek human form”
  • “Stewie looks into his future”
  • “National Aviation Academy: training aviation professionals since 1932”
Use Max For Live device(s) that you have designed or modified.
*You can use an alternate source. For example, write a composition for a product or film that you are trying to promote – As long as you can describe that product in one sentence.
Extra Credit: Perform the music using a controller that works with a Max For Live device.
Due on November 25.

ep-4xx13 DSP – week 8





  • a modem in Max


Choose an idea for project. We will work on this over the next 3-4 weeks. Several of you have asked about designing interactive projects involving sonification, Internet API’s, environmental sensors, interactive art etc., Lets do it. Write a short description of what you would like to do and email it to me before next week’s class.