In a Max patch you would select certain objects. Then press a button to randomly shuffle patch cords among the selected objects….
In a Max patch you would select certain objects. Then press a button to randomly shuffle patch cords among the selected objects….
By Barry Jones at The Bradford Art Resource Collection
Chrome now includes online speech recognition
update 6/2014 – See the Stock Market project at:
original post
By Mukesh Chapagain
By Michael Zbyszynski at CNMAT
I have annotated a version of Weather Report to help understand how XML data is converted into OSC style data, for example:
<thing> value </thing>
gets converted into
/thing value
Local version of patch is weather_report in max teaching examples
Max auto-tweeting text-to-speech-to-text
By Aaron Oppenheim
Apparently there is a limitation on sending more than one Midi channel from a track
This presents an issue for receiving osc and splitting it to various instruments…
(update) What I’ve been trying to do is set up a generalized way to trigger midi from web data. Currently getting the web data via processing, sending OSC messages to max for live (or max).
Once the OSC gets to m4l, I use an m4l device in a track which receives all the osc messages then sends them off on new upd ports using [updsend] – for example a separate port for what would normally be a separate midi channel.
Then I have another m4l receiver which you can set the appropriate port number to get the channelized data stream and scale it to midi notes.
[edit – need link to sample live set]
update – the “internet sensors” project shows some easier ways to do the translation of internet API to OSC”