Max and AR-drone update

update 6/2014. This project is now part of the Internet sensors projects:

original post

Have now got Max controlling AR-drone and receiving telemetry for altitude, battery, throttle, etc.,

  • tkzic/internetsensors/drone-test-max2.maxpat
  • tkzic/internetsensors/drone-test3.js (node)
requires: ar-drone node module…
video feed using dronestream
  • tkzic/ar-drone/node-dronestream-master/example/express/app.js (node)

To access video, run chrome browser set to localhost:3000

Finally got this working – the big issue was WebGL – I was running in safari. It needs to run in chrome. So I got the express version of the dronestream example working.

also look at the new vizzie abstractions in:

ended up needing a bunch of npm installs, but not sure which ones now cuz I wasted so much time dealing with webgl

requires: drone stream, ws, buffy, express,  broadway, jade….
I think we can use the [jit.desktop] object to get the video from the browser into max
maybe one of the jit.render – or something will work for connecting the video to vizzie