Jitter reverse engineering case study – part 1

Case study: Adapting and transforming an interactive video performance.

under construction

Video and programming by Naoto Fushimi

Here is a case study of how you might approach an interactive video project. For example, if you had an opportunity to design a realtime visualization tool for a band.


Knowing that cool video things can be designed with Max/MSP/Jitter, I opened up Google web search and typed in: jitter max

Here are the results:

Screen Shot 2015-01-18 at 12.00.05 PM

The second entry looked interesting: [Share Patch] Simple Audio Reactive Set [Max/MSP Jitter]. (It is the cool video at the top of this post). There is a link to the Max patch in the video description – but the link is broken.  So I entered the title of the video into Google: Share Patch Simple Audio Reactive Set

Here are the results:

Screen Shot 2015-01-18 at 12.02.12 PM

The second entry is a link to the Cycling 74 forum. https://cycling74.com/forums/topic/looking-for-share-patch-simple-audio-reactive-set-maxmsp-jitter/ Here I was able to find a link to a modified version of Naoto Fushimi’s Max patch – in a post by Giorgio. http://1cyjknyddcx62agyb002-c74projects.s3.amazonaws.com/files/2014/12/NAOTO.maxpat

Understanding the Max patch

Screen Shot 2015-01-18 at 9.14.08 PM

It appears that audio input is supposed to trigger the interactive graphics. But immediately on starting the audio, it begins to feedback, and there is apparently no way to stop it. I notice there is an ezadc~ object as well as an IO abstraction – but can’t quite see how they are hooked up due to the maze of segmented overlapping patch cords.

By selecting everything (<cmd> a) you can restore normal patch cords by selecting Arrange | remove all segments. After doing this, it appears that the ezadc~ is redundant, so I deleted it. Now the patch looks like this:

Screen Shot 2015-01-18 at 9.58.07 PM

Much easier to understand. In the IO abstraction I loaded an audio file and then was able to get graphic output by toggling on the metro at the top of the patch and using the 3 toggles in the center of the patch.

Screen Shot 2015-01-18 at 10.01.08 PM

It works, but how?



3 openGL subpatches


rotatexyz message