oggrx~ and oggtx~
by Robin Gareus
At Cycling 74 forum: https://cycling74.com/forums/topic/streaming-internet-radio-in-maxmsp/
I was able to receive mp3 files from a server in Max 6.18. using oggrx~. There doesn’t appear to be transport control – so this would need to be built in for synchronization.
Unexpected find: The external uses “secret rabbit code” for resampling. So it works in Max. And we have the source code but not the i386 libs that were used to compile it.
There is no binary for v.7 of oggrx~.mxo, but there is one for v.6
Original c74 post by umma08:
i managed to get Robin Gareus’ externals. They are available here, though they are unmaintained.
The binaries are still online at:
It’s been more than 3 years (OSX 10.5) since I last looked at it, it
should still work, but I don’t know. Please let me know if you encounter
any problems, so that I can warn others.
I don’t maintain this external anymore. I neither have a MAX/MSP
license, nor do I own any Apple devices. On the upside, complete
source-code is available from