Here are buttons in Foundation that work with the current WP theme
They don’t really do anything…
More about buttons in foundation from Zurb:
Here are buttons in Foundation that work with the current WP theme
They don’t really do anything…
More about buttons in foundation from Zurb:
I used this method to add a “random post” to this site. I didn’t create a child theme. So it will break when the theme gets updated.
4/24/2016 note:
Here are some details. You need to create a new file inside the theme called page-random.php based on the original page.php.
the added code looks like this and goes right before get_header():
<?php /* Template Name: Random Post */ $randomPost = get_posts(array( 'numberposts' => 1, 'orderby' => 'rand' )); foreach ($randomPost as $post) { wp_redirect(get_permalink($post->ID)); exit(); }
This code comes from clicking the Share button on the SoundCloud clip, then using the “WordPress Code”
If you find old-style SoundCloud post on a 3rd party site, you may need to get the ’embed’ code and then add it to your post, using the html editor
Following this line, is some text to expand…
It uses shortcodes for the formatting…
[ expand title ] text [ /expand ]
Here is a Max patch in compressed text format. Enclose it in <pre> </pre> tags
----------begin_max5_patcher---------- 528.3ocyU0ziaBCD8L7qvBodZCD7GXC6sH0iUUUppm5tph.N65JvNBbTy1U6 +8ZafDRhVET2UzdH1iey3g27xLvy9dAqU64sAfaAeG348rummCxB30e1KnNe eQUdqKr.I+Wp0+LXQmKMeu1AuoQU29T8ZU0fqs45hGExG9QCuP28DHwQwK.P paKEaWQlUv88WYiRpk40bWFW0HxOjLqmVwucdfDyE6fk6pExJt1QM3QP0N84 nhRWVMbOLaHqcgoeZKuieAAf6sddw22tr3sIIMlzyABoFroRkquptfhcaYvY QWvWpKrWWWVz+68TeDZdy0aVPtMb7+plE57zrrswznb8VjtQGb5rnFwWpFjf +hRtl21l+.+hZd0pu7IvcAIDTDhbWf4+5kzknXHB.iuESyqMNgLHDhvHi6u8 0OZ.97xUfPfY0fDNb6DygSLMyR86DJi0ev5GBO2D16EhRhRoVravQDBiYvFr BA2DGQIevEXHlFkAy5roYQrzNSHEEkhs2GRIQIz96bfyGRwwr1URiKAXZDEO xzDzH2iKdyS7TdMx4fTWIj7B0NoSuIWq6paMAxralB68p6BM0YMzDm0b7xUb m8oKWoYwOsarUsqoXHU8eA.br5J4sZgLWKTxQwvNIlGEkkb43ohZQ4VkYnsm BuxKClJinSfQYyJiXSfQjYmQv+qXDZBZD8MvHygW7+yzP0RM -----------end_max5_patcher-----------