Videosync remix projects

New experiments using Videosync with Ableton Live.

A remix of “Gappa the Triphibian Monster”, 1967 directed by Haruyasu Noguchi. Produced using Ableton Live 12 and Videosync. Editing was done using LosslessCut for slicing and CapCut for editing. The underwater sequence uses the Ableton Audio Effects Rack: “Dawn Shimmers”.

Yet another remix of “Invasion of The Neptune Men” by Koji Ota. Produced with Videosync, Ableton Live, and Lossless Cut. The editing was done entirely in Live. Probably not a great way to do extensive video edits. And there was some trouble with Live 11, but the problems resolved by installing Live 12.

Another tribute to “The Invasion of The Neptune Men” by Koji Ota Produced with Videosync in Ableton Live. This was my first effort with Videosync. I tried to edit the video based on the sounds of the clips.

Capturing App/Screen video with Syphon and NDI

How to get video from applications, like a web browser, into Syphon.

This example shows how to get a Youtube video from Firefox into Max/MSP Vizzie.

  • Use NDI Scan Converter (From NDI Tools ) and select Firefox from the Capture menu
  • Use NDISyphon to convert the NDI stream to Syphon. Use virtual audio routing (eg., black hole) for system audio, or route audio directly into Max.

  • In Max, use the Syphon client from the package manager to receive video. Here is an example using Vizzie abstractions described in previous posts:


NDI scan converter allows screen capture from apps and broadcasts in NDI format over the LAN. Then NDISyphon app converts NDI stream into Syphon. For youtube, use theatre mode to fill the window – full screen doesn’t really work. see this link:

Recording Ableton Videosync output

Video recording options for Videosync in Ableton Live

Syphon Recorder.

  1. In Videosync preferences, set master Syphon out.
  2. In syphonrecorder set Videosync master as input.
  3. In syphonrecorder set virtual audio as input (eg., blackhole 2ch)
  4. In Ableton, set blackhole 2ch as audio output (or make a multioutput device in audoMidiSetup, combining headphones and blackhole.)

Vizzie Recorder.

(see this post about Vizzie Syphon abstractions

  1. setup a Syphon client in Max
  2. Use abstractions to bring video into Vizzie. and use Vizzie recorder object.
  3. Route audio as described above.

Screenflick (or other screen recording software)

  1. Set screenflick to overlay videosync output window in Ableton Live
  2. Route audio as described above.

Max/MSP Vizzie abstractions for Syphon

Vizzie objects can connect directly to Syphon clients and servers.

(work in progress – not available yet)

Syphon video as input to Vizzie

vizziesyphonclient.maxpat that gets syphon into vizzie. look at vizzieexamplewithsyphon.maxpat to see how it works.

Syphon as output from Vizzie

Use vizziesyphonserver.maxpat. Example: vizzieexamplewithsyphonserver.maxpat

(local files in maxteachingexamples)

Analog video synthesis

Generative art in motion.


By Christopher Konopka


In the past year, Chris has published nearly 2500 improvised video pieces.


You may be familiar with analog modular audio synthesis. The hardware to produce video looks nearly identical – a maze of patch cords and dials.



Analog video is television. A CRT (cathode ray tube) resynthesizes video information by demodulating signals from a camera. Vintage televisions have dials to adjust color and vertical sync. When you turn the dials you are synthesizing analog video. Distortion, filtering, and feedback – either at the source (camera) or the destination (tv screen) – offer up an infinite variety of images.

Analog vs. Digital

Today all media is digital. Like the screen you are looking at. The difference with analog is in how it’s produced. Boundaries are less definite. Lines curve. Colors waver. Feedback looks like flames. Every frame is a painting.


Images can be generated electronically using modules – without a camera.


Like with audio sampling, anything is a source. Movies, Youtube, live television, even Felix the Cat.


When you aim a guitar at an amplifier it screams. Tilt it away slightly and the screaming subsides. In between there’s sweet spot. The same is true with cameras and screens. Feedback results when output is mixed with input.


Analog shortwave radio signals are distorted by the atmosphere in a manner similar to video filtering.

A studio in Bethel, Maine.


An improvised collaboration between Chris and Tom Zicarelli using shortwave radio processed with audio effects.

Live Performance


A recent screen test at the Gem Theatre in Bethel, Maine. Source material is a time lapse film of a glacier installation – produced at the same theatre – by Wade Kavanaugh and Steven Nguyen.  The film was re-synthesized using analog video and feedback. Soundtrack by Tom Zicarelli.

Big screen equals mind bending experience.

Note: previous clip excerpted from this 15 minute jam:


The patterns in this clip appear to be three dimensional. They are not.

From a show that happened somewhere in the known universe:


Improvised analog video with the band “Alto”. Patterns reminiscent of magical textiles.

More about analog video synthesis


ep-426 Interactive Video – Spring 2015 week 14

Jitter programming

Developing with javascript, gen, and external objects.


Jitter in javascript:


Jitter gen:


Jitter objects

Writing Jitter external objects:

Revisiting Vizzie

Even after all that, Vizzie is my first choice when starting a project or building a prototype.

Vine analyzer example:

patch: maxvine-analyzer.maxpat (requires other files in the maxvine folder)

More analog video

media converter demo:


And topics that didn’t get covered.

Algorithmic video and data visualization
Projection mapping


Lighting control systems

DMX: Andrew Pask tutorial:

Development tools

60 minutes of whales:


Do something.