Vendor neutral, platform independent SDR library.
By @F5OEOEvariste (article at:
Send a CQ and immediately get a list of reverse beacon stations that heard your call, from around the world, with time and signal report data.
Logs are collected in a database that is accessible for research.
With a TenTec Eagle transceiver, Managed by N4PY software.
N4PY acts as router, distributing CAT commands to other applications.
The applications are connected using virtual serial port bridge pairs. For each of the applications, N4PY emulates a K3 transceiver on one side of the bridge.
The CW keyer is a K1EL Winkeyer USB controlled solely by the N1MM logger.
The routing of IQ signals from LP-PAN2 SDR is done through a MOTU 828 mk3 interface, simply to be able to split the signal so that both NAP3 and CW Skimmer can use it.
CW Skimmer gets the IQ signal directly from the MOTU. NAP3 doesn’t not recognize multiple ports on soundcards. So one end of the split from the MOTU is sent through another audio interface (Focusrite 2I2). NAP3 uses the 2I2 as an input device.
Notes on configuration for correct zero-beating.
When setting the Eagle BW or PBT, the IF will shift in frequency, so the numbers below assume a centered PBT and a BW of 700.
The sidetone pitch is 523 Hz.
Settings may also depend on which roofing filters are installed in the Eagle.
Set the global offset to -8200. Leave everything else at 0.
This post is about ham radio.
By VK6JBL (Andrew Nilsson)
Available for download at
Note: You need to join the Yahoo softrock40 group to access the link
More information about Softrock using Mac OS here:
By Peter B Marks
Note: On Mavericks you may need to unload the kext for the USB device before plugging in the Softrock:
sudo kextunload -bundle
Using the method above gives error messages, similar to:
(kernel) Kext /System/Library/Extensions/AppleUSBFTDI.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleUSBFTDI not found for unload request.
Failed to unload /System/Library/Extensions/AppleUSBFTDI.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleUSBFTDI – (libkern/kext) not found.
Various suggestions:
Reboot the computer. Run the command again. Ignore the error message. And then try plugging in the softrock again.
Tried some variations of the command…
sudo kextunload -b /System/Library/Extensions/AppleUSBFTDI.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleUSBFTDI
But the following one seemed to do the trick (at least for now) even though it still gives an error:
sudo kextunload -bundle-id com.FTDI.driver.FTDIUSBSerialDriver
For a more practical solution, check the FTDI manual, if it makes any sense to you.
A linux command line utility to control softrock, also by Andrew Nilsson
Local source is in tkzic/softrock/usbsoftrock
Online repo: (last updated 2/2011)
It appears that this may have the code needed to build a Max external.
Notes: Since Mavericks, the Soft66lc SDR external has not been working in Max. Although I was not able to update the external, there is a temporary workaround.
Mac OS is hijacking the FTDI USB device with its own driver. You can unload the driver from terminal:
sudo kextunload -bundle
To reload the driver use “kextload”.
Here is article from Sparkfun with details about this workaround:
And a more elaborate workaround that removes the Apple driver:
Notes about latency and FTDI
The real solution involves using the new Apple driver to communicate with the device:
Or spoofing the driver with a codeless kext:
Open source support for Softrock, SDR-IQ, K3, Lp-pan, and others.
By James Ahlstrom
Installation guide:
oggrx~ and oggtx~
by Robin Gareus
At Cycling 74 forum:
I was able to receive mp3 files from a server in Max 6.18. using oggrx~. There doesn’t appear to be transport control – so this would need to be built in for synchronization.
Unexpected find: The external uses “secret rabbit code” for resampling. So it works in Max. And we have the source code but not the i386 libs that were used to compile it.
There is no binary for v.7 of oggrx~.mxo, but there is one for v.6
i managed to get Robin Gareus’ externals. They are available here, though they are unmaintained.
The binaries are still online at:
It’s been more than 3 years (OSX 10.5) since I last looked at it, it
should still work, but I don’t know. Please let me know if you encounter
any problems, so that I can warn others.
I don’t maintain this external anymore. I neither have a MAX/MSP
license, nor do I own any Apple devices. On the upside, complete
source-code is available from
By robs
Installation guide:
How configure CMAKE for 32 bit architecture on Mac OS:
Note: this command allowed building static libs for 32 bit:
<span style="color: #000000;">$ cmake -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=i386 -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=OFF ..</span>
local files in: tkzic/soxr-0.1.1-Source/