Transmitting FM, AM, SSB, SSTV and FSQ with a Raspberry-PI
By @F5OEOEvariste (article at:
By @F5OEOEvariste (article at:
“Conversnitch is a small device that automatically tweets overheard conversations, bridging the gap between (presumed) private physical space and public space online.”
By Brian House and Kyle McDonald
Note: 6/2021 – This project has not been updated for 7 years, but surveillance is alive and well.
(Uses Raspberry Pi)
“I think its just the biggest conceptual art project uninentional or otherwise that anyone ever made. it puts Christo and those other guys to shame. Its planetary”
Roman Mars “Episode 97 – Numbers Stations” from 99% Invisible
(due to snow and stuff)
Please send me a copies of your earlier compositions. Have a prototype ready to demonstrate or talk about for the next class.
Running in Pure Data
(update) Tried this with guitarist John Drew today (2/26/2012). We ran the guitar directly into the iMic (switched to microphone, not line) and the output of iMic into an amplifier. The R-Pi was plugged into to wifi router with an Ethernet cable, so we could use touchOsc to control the delay parameters. It sounded great.
We talked about the possibility of making this into a ‘product’. One idea would be to ditch the Osc controls and build a simple hardware interface – some encoders, switches, and LED’s. You could map everything in PD and download new patches using an ethernet cable or a usb wifi connection – or even some kind of serial/usb link.
Yesterday I programmed a simple variable delay effect in pd to run on Raspberry-Pi. Control was using touchOSC as described in previous posts. I ran the effect in mono at 32k sampling rate – and it sounded great. Also its using the Griffin iMic for sound.
Here’s the command line to set the sample rate and number of channels:
pd-extended -r 32000 -nogui -channels 1 delay-effect-osc.pd
Local files:
Its starting to seem like the R-Pi is turning out to be a real musical instrument.
Today I got Csound running inside Pure Data (using the [csoundapi~] object) on Raspberry-Pi.
These instructions assume you have already installed pd-extended on R-Pi. See this post to learn how.
Install Csound
# sudo apt-get install cloud
Install csoundapi~
# sudo apt-get install pd-csound
Copy csoundapi~ library into the pd-extended extras folder
# cd /usr/lib/pd/csound/extras # sudo cp csoundapi~.pd_linux ../../pd-extended/extra
Here’s a test patch:
Here’s the Csound source file (should be in the same folder as the test patch)
<CsoundSynthesizer> <CsOptions> </CsOptions> <CsInstruments> ;Example by Joachim Heintz sr = 44100 nchnls = 2 0dbfs = 1 ksmps = 8 giSine ftgen 0, 0, 2^10, 10, 1 instr 1 kFreq invalue "freq" kAmp invalue "amp" aSin oscili kAmp, kFreq, giSine outs aSin, aSin endin </CsInstruments> <CsScore> i 1 0 10000 </CsScore> </CsoundSynthesizer>
Here are the source files:
Here’s the command line to run the test:
# pd-extended -nogui -noadc cstest2.pd
Here are general instructions on running csound in Pure Data from Victor Lazzarini:
A preliminary test before trying this in Raspberry-Pi, I used the general instructions for csound in pd from Victor Lazzarini found here:
to get csound running in pd-extended in Mac OS.
Looks pretty straightforward – biggest question will be compiling the external if it doesn’t install via package manager.
local test files are in tkzic/rpi/pd/csound
Here’s something from Victor Lazzarini which shows csound running on R-Pi
Here is installation instructions from Richard Dobson
By Ray Viljoen
Make sure the SD card is unlocked. It takes 5-10 minutes to copy a 4Gb card.
local downloaded files are in tkzic/rpi
A variation on the Midi synthesizer from this post:
The synthesizer was built in PureData (Pd extended) using the visual interface on a MacBook. Then the pd file was run in command line mode on the r-pi. The sound card is a Griffin i-Mic, running at 22.5 Khz sample rate. Although there’s no reason why you couldn’t use the builtin DAC on the r-pi.
The r-pi is connected via the ethernet port to a wi-fi network which receives Osc (Open Sound Control) messages from an iPod running touch-Osc. The network connection could have been made using a USB wifi adapter.
All together the cost of this arrangement (less the iPod) would be less than $50. The software is all open source. The huge financial barriers to working with music synthesis and signal processing, that have been associated with these fields for years, simply don’t exist anymore.
Alternative ways of controlling the synth – if a wiFi router is not available, include:
Pd file: tkzic/rpi/pd/piSynth1_OSC.pd
recieve port is 8000 – and it uses page 1 of the simple touchOSC template
pd-extended -nogui -noadc piSynth1_Osc.pd
Note: there is some special code to prevent seg faults when you go from page 2 to page 1 of the touchOSC template
Here’s a great tutorial on using OSC with Pure Data
Successfully installed this GPS board on the R-Pi.
By Kevin Townsend at
The drivers for the console cable were already in the Raspian distribution on the R-Pi.
I installed the gpsd (daemon) software as directed in the above tutorial.
Documentation for gpsd is here:
Sample C code is: gpxlogger.c and cgps.c – which can be found in tkzic/rpi/gpsd 3.7/
(todo – write sample code and add to telemetry tracker)