12th root of 2

The note relationships in a chromatic scale are based on the 12th root of 2.

An octave has a ratio of 2. An octave is divided into 12 equal steps.

For example, to find the ratio of one semi-tone (half step), on a scientific calculator, use this button:

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Here’s the result where x = 2 and y = 12

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In a computer program, you could use the pow() function calculate 2 to the 1/12 power. Here’s an example in javascript:

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This Max patch shows the relationships between any two notes and how to calculate the pitch of a note based on the semi-tone interval. You might use it as a starting point to design your own scales. For example, a 13 note chromatic scale.  Or relationships based on randomness.

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folder: 12throotof2

patch: 12throotof2.maxpat

cv.jit revisited

Jitter computer vision library

By Jean-Marc Pelletier


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Several examples you can try by running the “help” files. All of the explanatory text below is by Jean-Marc Pelletier.


The utility abstraction cv.jit.blobs.elongation.draw superimposes elongation values on the image sent to its right inlet. You MUST also connect the output of cv.jit.blobs.moments to its middle inlet. You can use the attribute “frgb” to set the colour used.

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Marks as ON only pixels that are themselves ON and have a least one OFF neighbour. In other words, it returns only the edges in a binary image.

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cv.jit.blobs.bounds offers similar functionality to jit.findbounds but finds the bounding box for every blob in a labeled image.

cv.jit.blobs.bounds outputs a 4-plane 1-dimension float32 matrix whose number of cells is the same as the number of blobs in the input image.

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cv.jit.blobs.centroids functions much like cv.jit.centroids except that it takes for input the output of cv.jit.label and calculates the center of mass and area of each connected component individually.

The output of cv.jit.label must be of type char.

cv.jit.blobs outputs a single-row, 3-plane char matrix where the number of cells is the same as the number of labeled components.

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cv.jit.blobs.direction is almost identical to cv.jit.blobs.orientation. It also takes in the output of cv.jit.blobs.moments and calculates the orientation of each blob’s main axis. However, unlike cv.jit.blobs.orientation, it takes into account symmetry. This means that cv.jit.blobs.direction can tell which direction a connected component is pointing.

Like cv.jit.blobs.orientation, the output is in radians by default and can be changed to degrees with the “mode” attribute. The output is between 0 and 2Pi.

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cv.jit.blobs.moments functions much like cv.jit.moments but computes moments and invariants for every blob identified by cv.jit.label. See cv.jit.moments for a discussion on moments and invariants.

The output is a 17-plane, single-row float32 matrix. The number of cells is the same as the number of connected components.

The output of cv.jit.moments can be fed to other objects for further analysis. See cv.jit.blobs.orientation, cv.jit.blobs.direction, cv.jit.blobs.elongation, and cv.jit.blobs.recon.

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cv.jit.blobs.orientation functions much like cv.jit.orientation except that it takes for input the output of cv.jit.blobs.moments and calculates the orientation of the main axis of each connected component individually.

cv.jit.blobs.orientation outputs a single-row, 1-plane char matrix where the number of cells is the same as the number of labeled components.

Orientation is measured in radians by default but you can switch to degree output by specifying “mode 1”. The values are between 0. and Pi radians, with the extremes being horizontal and Pi/2 vertical.

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cv.jit.blobs.recon calculates the statistical distance between blob shape descriptors and a pre-computed model. The model must be created using cv.jit.learn, and cv.jit.blobs.recon functions much like cv.jit.learn’s “compare” mode.

cv.jit.blobs.recon must be fed the output of cv.jit.blobs.moments. Use the “mode” attribute to set whether moments (0) or Hu invariants (1) are used. Make sure that this matches the data used to train the model.

The output is a 1-plane float32 matrix, in which each cell contains the statistical distance between the corresponding blob and the model.. The lower the output value, the more similar the blob’s shape is to the model.

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Regenerative shortwave radio experiment

Circuit design by Ray Ring


The audio is playing through headphones here, so you can’t hear the excellent signal quality

I didn’t have the OpAmp called for in the circuit, so I built this audio amplifier designed by Dean Segovis: http://hackaweek.com/hacks/?p=131

The antenna was a piece of wire about 30 feet long.

An air variable capacitor was used for tuning.

More to come…

Basis function generator

jit.bfg provides basis functions including various noise contours.

Here is yet another example co-opted from dude837 tutorial 30: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoCpbxslvS8

This is a set of color bars composited with a noise gradient.

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Original components:



Noise gradient function

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A few minor changes were made to the original patch, including addition of comments and presets.



folder: bfg

patch: dude837-tut30-tz.maxpat

Physics simulation driven by audio

From tutorial 21b by dude837


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What’s different?

There was a problem with the spheres not returning to the resting position. They were constantly expanded outward. By removing the frame rate trigger from qmetro, and triggering only when audio data is received, the response was improved. You can also set signal amplitude going into the bonk~ object.

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Folder: physics

Project: bumper-phsyics

External objects: bonk~ from: http://vud.org/max/

ep-341 Max/MSP – Spring 2015 week 9

Design a synthesizer is Max – Part 2

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  • Waveform select
  • Recording
  • Polyphony
  • Presets
  • Max For Live
Click this link for Notes on Poly~, the topics above and patches for the synthesizer we built in class:


The hi object: for reading human interface devices (like game controllers. Use the code in the Max help file to get started.

Boids sonification: https://reactivemusic.net/?p=18388

Random walk sonification: https://reactivemusic.net/?p=18455


How would you design a patch to automatically select (trim) a sound from a buffer that contained silence and background noise as well as music?

How do you use wireless controllers, like a wiimote, with Max?


Demonstrate M4L devices in class next week.

Basic synth in Max – part 2

Yet another Basic synthesizer design

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See part 1 here: https://reactivemusic.net/?p=18511

New features

Drag to select buffer start/end points

waveform~ object

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Sample recording

record~ object.

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How to design voice activated recording?

*Time compress/stretch

groove~ (Max 7 only)


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M4L preset management: https://reactivemusic.net/?p=18557


poly~ object

Polyphonic Midi synth in Max


local: poly-generic-example1.maxpat (polyphonic)

Polyphonic instrument in Max for Live

Wave~ sample player: https://reactivemusic.net/?p=18354

local: m4l: poly-synth1.als (aaa-polysynth2.amxd)

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Max For Live

automation and UI design (review)

Distributing M4L devices

How to create a Live ‘Pack’

by Winksound

  • save set
  • collect all and save
  • file manager
    • manage project
      • packing : create live pack


Presets in Max for Live

How to use the Max preset object inside of M4L.

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There is some confusion about how to use Max presets in a M4L device. The method described here lets you save and recall presets with a device inside of a Live set, without additional files or dialog boxes. It uses pattrstorage. It works automatically with the Live UI objects.

It also works with other Max UI objects by connecting them to pattr objects.

Its based on an article by Gregory Taylor: https://cycling74.com/2011/05/19/max-for-live-tutorial-adding-pattr-presets-to-your-live-session/



Folder: presets

Patch: aaa-preset3.amxd

How it works:

Instructions are included inside the patch. You will need to add objects and then set attributes for those objects in the inspector.  For best results, set the inspector values after adding each object

Write the patch in this order:

A1. Add UI objects.

For each UI object:

  1. check link-to-scripting name
  2. set long and short names to actual name of param

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A2 (optional) Add non Live (ie., Max UI objects)

For each object, connect the middle outlet of a pattr object (with a parameter name as an argument) to the left inlet of the UI object. For example:

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Then in inspector for each UI object:

  1. check  parameter-mode-enable
  2. check inital-enable

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B. Add a pattrstorage object.

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Give the object a name argument, for example: pattrstorage zoo. The name can be anything, its not important. Then in the inspector for pattrstorage:

  1. check parameter-mode enable
  2. check Auto-update-parameter Initial-value
  3. check initial-value
  4. change short-name to match long name

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C. Add an autopattr object

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D. Add a preset object

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In the inspector for the preset object:

  1. assign pattrstorage object name from step B. (zoo) to pattrstorage attribute

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The preset numbers go from 1-n. They can be fed directly into the pattrstorage object – for example if you wanted to use an external controller

You can name the presets (slotnames). See the pattrstorage help file

You can interpolate between presets. See pattrstorage help file

Adding new UI objects after presets have been stored

If you add a new UI object to the patch after pattrstorage is set up, you will need to re-save the presets with the correct setting of the new UI object. Or you can edit the pattrstorage data.