Spectral slider plugin for Ableton Live
By Adam Rokhsar at Utami
Spectral slider plugin for Ableton Live
By Adam Rokhsar at Utami
The Sound Of Tubes, Tape & Transformers.
By Hugh Robjohns at Sound On Sound
by soundwavescience
A presentation for Berklee BTOT 2015 http://www.berklee.edu/faculty
Around the year 1700, several startup ventures developed prototypes of machines with thousands of moving parts. After 30 years of engineering, competition, and refinement, the result was a device remarkably similar to the modern piano.
What are the musical instruments of the future being designed right now?
Ray Kurzweil’s future predictions on a timeline: http://imgur.com/quKXllo (The Singularity will happen in 2045)
In 1965 researcher Herbert Simon said: “Machines will be capable, within twenty years, of doing any work a man can do”. Marvin Minsky added his own prediction: “Within a generation … the problem of creating ‘artificial intelligence’ will substantially be solved.” https://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php/390217-Will-computers-or-machines-ever-become-self-aware-or-evolve/page2
Are there patterns in the ways that artists adapt technology?
For example, the Hammond organ borrowed ideas developed for radios. Recorded music is produced with computers that were originally as business machines.
Instead of looking forward to predict future music, lets look backwards to ask,”What technology needs to happen to make musical instruments possible?” The piano relies upon a single-escapement (1710) and later a double-escapement (1821). Real time pitch shifting depends on Fourier transforms (1822) and fast computers (~1980).
Artists often find new (unintended) uses for tools. Like the printing press.
The piano is still in development. In December 2014, Eren Başbuğ composed and performed music on the Roli Seaboard – a piano keyboard made of 3 dimensional sensing foam:
Here is Keith McMillen’s QuNexus keyboard (with Polyphonic aftertouch):
Here are tools that might lead to new ways of making music. They won’t replace old ways. Singing has outlasted every other kind of music.
These ideas represent a combination of engineering and art. Engineers need artists. Artists need engineers. Interesting things happen at the confluence of streams.
Computers can analyze the audio spectrum in real time. Sounds can be transformed and re-synthesized with near zero latency.
Finding alternate routes through a song.
by Paul Lamere at the Echonest
Echonest has compiled data on over 14 million songs. This is an example of machine learning and pattern matching applied to music.
Try examples: “Karma Police”, Or search for: “Albert Ayler”)
“Mindblowing Six Song Country Mashup”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY8SwIvxj8o (start at 0:40)
Local file: Max teaching examples/new-country-mashup.mp3
Looking at music under a microscope.
First you have to separate them.
by Xavier Serra and UPF
Harmonic Model Plus Residual (HPR) – Build a spectrogram using STFT, then identify where there is strong correlation to a tonal harmonic structure (music). This is the harmonic model of the sound. Subtract it from the original spectrogram to get the residual (noise).
Settings for above example:
Finding the drop
“Detetcting Drops in EDM” – by Karthik Yadati, Martha Larson, Cynthia C. S. Liem, Alan Hanjalic at Delft University of Technology (2014) https://reactivemusic.net/?p=17711
Blurring the distinction between recorded and written music.
by Celemony
A minor version of “Bohemian Rhapsody”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voca1OyQdKk
“How Shazam Works” by Farhoud Manjoo at Slate: https://reactivemusic.net/?p=12712, “About 3 datapoints per second, per song.”
Transforming music through pictures.
by Tadej Droljc
(Example of 3d speech processing at 4:12)
local file: SSP-dissertation/4 – Max/MSP/Jitter Patch of PV With Spectrogram as a Spectral Data Storage and User Interface/basic_patch.maxpat
Try recording a short passage, then set bound mode to 4, and click autorotate
Spectral scanning in Ableton Live:
Web browser is the new black
by Joe Berkowitz
by Dinahmoe
What is the speed of electricity? 70-80 ms is the best round trip latency (via fiber) from the U.S. east to west coast. If you were jamming over the internet with someone on the opposite coast it might be like being 100 ft away from them in a field. (sound travels 1100 feet/second in air).
Global communal experiences – Bill McKibben – 1990 “The Age of Missing Information”
Computers finding meaning
The Google speech API uses neural networks, statistics, and large quantities of data.
Making music from from sounds that are not music.
by Katja Vetter
. (InstantDecomposer is an update of SliceJockey2): http://www.katjaas.nl/slicejockey/slicejockey.html
Transforming motion into music
camera based hand sensor
“Muse” (Boulanger Labs) with Paul Bachelor, Christopher Konopka, Tom Shani, and Chelsea Southard: https://reactivemusic.net/?p=16187
Max/MSP piano example: Leapfinger: https://reactivemusic.net/?p=11727
local file: max-projects/leap-motion/leapfinger2.maxpat
Detecting motion from the Internet
MBTA bus data
Sonification of Mass Ave buses, from Harvard to Dudley
By Steve Hensley
Using Max/MSP/jitter
local file: tkzic/stevehensely/shensley_maxvine.maxpat
By Christopher Konopka at future, music, technology
Sensing motion with video using frame subtraction
by Adam Rokhsar
local file: max-projects/frame-subtraction
Music is stored all across the brain.
The Allen institute
“Hacking the soul” by Christof Koch at the Allen institute
(An Explanation of the wiring diagram of the mouse brain – at 13:33) http://www.technologyreview.com/emtech/14/video/watch/christof-koch-hacking-the-soul/
A complete simulation of the nematode worm, in software, with a Lego body (320 neurons)
: https://reactivemusic.net/?p=17744
Harold Cohen’s algorithmic painting machine
A perfect pitch pill? http://www.theverge.com/2014/1/6/5279182/valproate-may-give-humans-perfect-pitch-by-resetting-critical-periods-in-brain
Could we grow music producing organisms? https://reactivemusic.net/?p=18018
There is a quickening of discovery: internet collaboration, open source, linux, github, r-pi, Pd, SDR.
“Robots and AI will help us create more jobs for humans — if we want them. And one of those jobs for us will be to keep inventing new jobs for the AIs and robots to take from us. We think of a new job we want, we do it for a while, then we teach robots how to do it. Then we make up something else.”
“…We invented machines to take x-rays, then we invented x-ray diagnostic technicians which farmers 200 years ago would have not believed could be a job, and now we are giving those jobs to robot AIs.”
Kevin Kelly – January 7, 2015, reddit AMA http://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/2rohmk/i_am_kevin_kelly_radical_technooptimist_digital/
Will people be marrying robots in 2050? http://www.livescience.com/1951-forecast-sex-marriage-robots-2050.html
“What can you predict about the future of music” by Michael Gonchar at The New York Times https://reactivemusic.net/?p=17023
Jim Morrison predicts the future of music:
by AGF at Dubspot
Based on the Rungler
By jvkr
note: 6/2021 – this link goes the the jvkr main page, not the Havoxicon
Max source: http://cycling74.com/forums/topic/sharing-is-rungling-stepped-havoc-in-gen/
Writing pieces with convincing climaxes
from “GEMS”, 1993, by Matthew Fields
“A podcast where musicians take apart their songs, and piece by piece, tell the story of how they were made.”
The VS-700c runs as an unsupported Midi control surface in Ableton Live on Mac OS 10.9.
update for Yosemite 6/2015
In Yosemite, disable the restriction on loading unsigned kext’s: http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/163059/how-can-i-disable-kext-signing-in-mac-os-x-10-10-yosemite
Type this command into terminal:
sudo nvram boot-args=kext-dev-mode=1
Original post…
An open source development project for the Cakewalk control surface SDK: https://github.com/Cakewalk/Cakewalk-Control-Surface-SDK
MIDI specification document:
And here – in the code: https://github.com/Cakewalk/Cakewalk-Control-Surface-SDK/tree/master/Surfaces/VS700
The [poly~] object
folder: poly-synth