Python web server

Simple command line web server for Mac OS

Run this command, in a terminal window, from any directory:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

Then you can access web pages in that directory tree. For example, to load a page called index.html (in the same directory) type the following URL into a browser:

More information here:


ep-413 DSP – week 11







We usually think of filters in terms of frequency. Any process that removes information is a filter. Curation or abstraction, for example.




MBTA bus data in Max

Sonification of Mass Ave buses, from Harvard to Dudley.

Screen Shot 2014-11-11 at 3.26.16 PM

This patch sends requests to the MBTA developer portal to get the current location of buses – using the Max js object. Latitude and Longitude data is mapped to oscillator pitch. Data is polled every 10 seconds, but it seems like the results might be more interesting to poll at a slower rate, because the updates don’t seem that frequent. And buses tend to stop a lot.

MBTA developer portal:

Here is the get request URL used in the patch:

folder: mbta


  • mbta.maxpat
  • mbta.js
  • poly-oscillator.maxpat

You will not need authentication to run run this patch. It uses the default developer API-key for testing. Please read the terms of service at the MBTA developer portal. Data should not be polled more often than 10 seconds. You can also request your own developer API key from MBTA.

  • Open mbta.maxpat
  • Toggle the metro (at the top of the patch) to start polling
  • Turn on the audio (at the bottom of the patch) and turn up the gain

Note: there will be more buses running during rush hours in Boston.  Try experimenting with the polling rate and ramp length in the poly-oscillator patch. Also, you can experiment with the pitch range.




ep-413 DSP week 10

Music from data


We looked at Vine API Examples from Eli and Steve H.

OSC (Open Sound Control)
  • Max udpsend, udpreceive, touchOsc, aka.speech
  • using a wifi router for performance projects

Using an Osc server to handle Internet API’s

Searchtweet (rate limited):

Max oggz streaming example:

We talked about cartoons:

  • parameter mapping
  • modeling
  • earcons

We didn’t talk about alarm fatigue…

MBTA bus example in Max:

(parameter mapping sonification)

  • documentation
  • API keys
  • JSON
  • Max example
Unsolved problems

Is it possible to generate music from data?