developing iOS apps with javascript and phonegap

Just worked through the first example in a tutorial:

by Christopher Coenraets.

How to develop using

  • Write a javascript web app.
  • Submit to github or zip the folder
  • Upload to
  • Compile (for iOS you need to have previously submitted developer certificates)
  • After compiling, scan a QR code (in the browser) using your mobile device. This installs the app

Don’t yet know the steps to getting it in the app store, but this is amazing.


Twitter search in Max

Here’s a basic pattern:

  1. Send search string to Twitter
  2. Get JSON result
  3. Parse result and do something with it.

From Max, there are many ways to do this:

searchtweet – mxj, twitter4j

by Gokce Kinayoglu

This patch demonstrates the Twitter search API. Its self contained within Max – using the [mxj search tweet] external. This object allows you to input

  •  keyword
  • maximum number of results

The response is:

  • username
  • Tweet text
  • date/time

This patch is a great way to get Tweets into Max. You can use a [metro] object to poll the API. There are no additional programs running outside of Max. 

The limitation is lack of flexibility. You don’t have access to any of the other parameters in the request response. For example, geographic data. Also, it can be difficult to install and maintain java [mxj] programs in Max.

Here’s a screenshot of a patch which takes the output of the above patch and sends it to the aka.speech object – which runs the Mac Os built in text-to-speech program