ep-3xx41 Max – week 11

Max For Live

  • Max For Live gives you the ability to tweak almost any aspect of Ableton Live. Its equivalent to working under the hood of a car.


  • chord.amxd
  • tempo-test.amxd
[wpdm_file id=13]


Assignment: synopsis

Write a very short composition or sound logo based on a synopsis of a movie, tv show, or product in City Shopper* – For example:

  • “A sheriff and deputy try to rid their town of thugs”
  • “An evil doll and its mate seek human form”
  • “Stewie looks into his future”
  • “National Aviation Academy: training aviation professionals since 1932”
Use Max For Live device(s) that you have designed or modified.
*You can use an alternate source. For example, write a composition for a product or film that you are trying to promote – As long as you can describe that product in one sentence.
Extra Credit: Perform the music using a controller that works with a Max For Live device.
Due on November 25.

Max data recorder

This has been around for a while and is being used in several internetSensor projects. Records and plays back lists (this version allows lists where the first element is a symbol). Can record and playback simultaneously at different rates. Was originally adapted from MZ’s CNMAT example. And subsequently ruined.



folder: data-recorder


  • data-recorder-wrapper.maxpat (main entry point)
  • data_recorder_list-tz.maxpat (recorder abstraction)

There is also an example of multi-rate streaming in: data-recorder-tester.maxpat


Convolution for the masses

HISSTools Impulse Response Toolbox in Max

By Alex Harker


See this post on the Pd site by Julian Brooks:


After the successful realisation of the [ipoke~] port that we recently
undertook I would like to ask if anyone would be up for some more?

This time it would be porting the HISSTools Impulse Response Toolbox.

Some (cut & pasted) bumff:
"HISSTools first release is a set of tools for working with convolution and
impulse responses in MaxMSP. This set of objects addresses various tasks,
including measuring impulse responses, spectral display from realtime data/
buffers, and buffer-based convolution, deconvolution and inversion."

About HISS here:
<a href="http://www.thehiss.org/">http://www.thehiss.org/</a>

HISSTools 2012 ICMC paper and link to the Max d/l here:
<a href="http://eprints.hud.ac.uk/14897/">http://eprints.hud.ac.uk/14897/</a>

Some chat on the max-list:
<a href="http://cycling74.com/forums/topic.php?id=42403">http://cycling74.com/forums/topic.php?id=42403</a>

Port is 3-clause-BSD.

Last time was genuinely a fantastic example of collaborative working I
thought, and a great example of our FLOSS community in action (I'm sure
there's a paper in there for someone): good people with the appropriate
skills creating super-tight code without ego or conflict.  Ace.

Big props to Matt Barber, Alex Harker, Charles (Chuck) Henry, P.A. Tremblay
and especially Katja Vetter.

Really hope some of the above have the energy to get into this again but
this is an open call for anyone who has the time and interest in
contributing to make it happen.

All good wishes,
