Sending Tweets from Arduino through

from Tom Igoe

(update) I have got this working, exactly as described in the Igoe post – The code is in EthernetPachubeTweeter_tz1.

Essentially, anything that originates from the Arduino is sent to a feed in Pachube. That feed has a datastream which has a trigger which tweets any new data which arrives.

The next thing to try is figuring out whether this can be done as a single line http: request in curl, and therefore, from Max – or any other source

(update) – this is slightly broken – check out the post about converting cosm to xively]


Measuring rotation

We are trying to measure RPM of a bicycle wheel by reading the accelerometer data stream of a Wiimote wedged between the spokes of the wheel.

When the wii-mote is in the bicycle wheel it generates a stream of numbers much like a sine wave. Lets say we want to just get the speed of the wheel. It would be the frequency of these ‘sine’ pulses.

Strategy: use [past] object send a bang once each cycle. Then use a tap-tempo patch to convert pulses into bpm, mph, etc.,