Searching by image

Using Google’s search by image feature to return similar images

With Google you can search by image. But it gets really interesting when you upload an image that is not available on the internet and look at the set of similar images returned. Or if you use a common image but just view the visually similar results. For example, here is a protein molecule (

Here are similar image results returned by Google.

You can also restrict the results to faces:

A few internet images to try:

Camera images (not on the Internet until they were posted here) These will give more interesting results. For example, the woman with the flower (using face matching) returns images of Erik Prince and Brad Pitt.

Location of midiStroke preset file

MidiStroke is a utility app that converts typewriter key strokes into Midi messages.

By Charlie Roberts

Configuration file (On a Macbook):

/Users/tkzic/Library/Application Support/midiStroke/midiStroke.cdcmidistroke

Helpful article at djtechtools.coml:

You can’t create multiple preset files within midiStroke – but you can work within the file system as they explain in the article above.