How can I see the request headers made by curl when sending a request to the server?
Charles – web debugging proxy application (This would probably capture ouput from a cUrl http: request)
How can I see the request headers made by curl when sending a request to the server?
Charles – web debugging proxy application (This would probably capture ouput from a cUrl http: request)
(7/2014 The formatting is not working with this example)
Local file: max teaching examples/searchtweet
(update 9/2013) version 1.0 is broken (oath). Try updating 1.1 from the link above
Another C74 forum post about getting Twitter daily trends
At Twitter development
Get search/tweets:
Aggregating tweets: Search API vs. Streaming API
A narrow beam that might be appropriate for building an electric eye.
At Arduino Info
Arduino Automated LED Stairway Lighting.
This project uses the Radio Shack emitter/detector LED pair 276-142 – There is no modulation of the ir signal. The project includes detailed descriptions plus photographs of the Arduino and breadboard configuration.
Here is some more information about the RS ir emitter/detector pair
Current example projects for the Interactive Media Arts course at Gould Academy. Eventually this list will be all student projects.
From Fall trimester 2012.
Triggers light saber sounds by using Kinect sensor to detect arm movement
A video of the project is at
Note: I haven’t actually tried to run this yet without Erick helping to make it work.
Note for Kinect projects: It can be difficult to get Synapse to recognize your skeleton. I have had good results being about 10 feet away from the sensor – and making sure it can see your whole body.
Example of playing a Midi Instrument using Kinect sensor
File Location: kinect/myLiveSets/lefthandpiano Project/leftHandPiano.als
Use left hand to play a few piano notes by horizontal movement
Example of playing a Midi Instrument using Kinect sensor
Location: kinect/synapse examples/dubkinect Project/dubkinect.als
More information about Synapse and Ryan Challinor:
It tracks lots of joints, but to start, place hands together above head and pull apart quickly, then use left arm (vertical) for volume, right hand horizontal for wobble, right hand vertical for pitch, and so on.
[note] – need to build a new IR pointer or get one – the switch and battery are a bit flakey and that messes up the drawing at times.
Musical light painting using Wiimote and homemade IR device.
– musical light painter location: max teaching examples/tz examples/ir4.maxpat
– The hacky synth thing is at Location: max teaching examples/tz examples/wiimote_ir_xy_synth.maxpat – make sure to:
Triggers engine simulation by using wiimote taped to spokes of a bicycle wheel. The speed of the wheel is translated to the speed of the engine sound. Still needs some work.
files max teaching examples/tz examples
need to be running Osculator and tracking PRY stuff from wii – need to adjust scale in engine patch. Also, select 3rd preset for engine sound.
So basically this setup needs to get standardized – use metro to send a steady stream of wheel data. Use the up to date car engine patch, etc., etc.,
[update] there are some issues with this – for example when the wheel is stopped the signal rate revs up to over 300 – I think because it rotates backwards for a second. Also when the wheel gets really fast, the pulses just stop! why? – its like the wii-mote is overloaded or something? 4/3/2013 – I have it running so it tracks speed when the bicycle is upside down, as long as you don’t crank it too fast. but as mentioned above – the patch could be cleaned up and simplified.
Reads OBD-II bluetooth sensor from car and uses information to control an engine simulation. (Max/MSP, OBD-II sensor)
Location: automax. files:
Need to run through the initialization sequence to make it work – note this patch needs to have metro streaming of data because it doesn’t change frequently enough to get a smooth engine sound.
Simulates TOS Star Trek transporter (Max/MSP, Jitter (Vizzie), Korg Nano Controller)
Files are in pd/
Make sure audio is on, vizzie is on, nano controller is plugged in – then press the lower right button in channel nine of the nano controller to start transporter
[update – last tried this in December 2012 and ran into a few issues with setup]
Use a Guitar Hero controller play synthesizer in Max.
This patch (buzz_360) has some issues, but it shows how to use and calibrate a Guitar Hero guitar controller in Max/MSP. You will need to get a driver working. See the previous Guitar Hero post about how to do that.
file location: guitarhero/fretbuzz_v0.2/buzz_360_tz3.maxpat
There’s no way to make this work clean for a demo without taking apart the whole button driver patch (buzz_setup_360) and it has some serious max6 compatibility issues. So it just needs to be calibrated every time for now.
Use the GRY mode for a demo…
Before using it, restart Max.
Works in Max6 – need to calibrate first, don’t worry about tilt and whammy for this app but you need to calibrate them first anyway by pressing the X toggle, tilt, then unpress, or it wont work. when you calibrate the buttons, the X toggle should disappear. then save and untoggle the config box.
mode selection example: hold back button, press and hold the green button, then let go of back (that loads mode G)
download link:
Cool modes: (guitar)
RY – solo mode – hold down frets and twiddle
GRY – 2 hand tap mode – orange does major 3rd up shift – holding flipper down does one button thing
GB – uses tilt sensor
also Y – power chords
To set a mode, hold “back”, then select the color code keys, then release “back”
[update – now part of internet-sensors project]
Collect current train position data from Ireland display it as point data on an XY grid.
server files in: hoo/
To run server,
# node max-train1.js
Max files are in: maxNode-jsTest
The presets go from low res to high res on Dublin. You can play back train-data1.txt by clicking read message on the data recorder. set metro set to 1 for high speed. Need to manually clear the lcd and lcdsprites in the drawing section.
[update: this really needs an external camera and a large green area]
An example of live chroma-keying, ie. green screen
files in: max teaching examples/
to use:
uses contact microphone for musical effects (patch by Matthew Davidson?)
files in: max teaching examples/PM1_piezo_translator
run: _piezo.maxpat
Uses video tracking to interact with people and affect projection of letters falling on screen
Shows how to use an ipod or iphone as a controller
file in: max teaching examples/tz examples
need to setup touchOSC on the ipod to send to the host which Max is running on – using port 8000 to send data.
Try one of the last presets for a reasonable synth sound. Then use the top (horizontal ) slider in the touchOSC simple layout.
Graphs occurences of Winnie The Pooh characters in the NYTimes since 1985
file in: Documents/processing/NYT_GraphMaker/NYT_GraphMaker.pde
Replace occurrences of pooh, kanga, tigger, with whatever, like chocolate, strawberry, cherry, vanilla – then run it. It takes a minute or so to generate the graph. To read the graph start at 12:00 (1985) and read radially clock wise to 2012
Whenever the cat crosses the path of an electric eye it triggers the gun.
PVC tubes with a saxophone mouthpiece hooked into a Roland Sound Canvas for fx processing.
Built with sensors made from foam rubber and pennies – to trigger an icube-x midi controller running into a midi-synthesizer. Ryan did this project at Gould Academy.
Monthly weather data from 4 cities controls a midi piano synthesizer (max/MSP)
Example is a tutorial patch in Max | Help | Max Tutorials | Data | 02dDataScaling.maxpat
This tutorial is one of the best examples of how to connect Max with data to make music and cool visualization…
The fluctuations in stock market quotes and volume are converted into musical notes.
An adaptation of the classic Arduino mood light which translates twitter mentions of political candidates into voltage levels.
Arduino Files: documents/arduino/networked_lamp.ino
Processing Files: documents/processing/sketch_may15a
needs some testing – also need to clean up file names, get a schematic, etc.,