Musical stairs

Notes from Gould Academy 2013.

For construction details of the final project see:

original post

An attempt to collect notes on this project as we bring it to a close.

During Monday’s class I gave students the current version of the Arduino sketch  – and showed them how to hack the code which triggers Midi notes.  it was amazing to see them make changes to the code, which they barely understood – and then upload their changes into the Arduino to see how it affected the sound of the stairs.

There are two sets of stairs:

  • version 1 – built with foam/aluminum foil sensors and a circuit-bent  Radio Shack keyboard. (based on a design from a previous life)
  • version 2 – was done with Arduino, IR emitter/receivers, an Ethernet shield for data logging,

Here are relevant posts – until the student portfolio presentations begin…

Logging data to Pachube

Arduino IR beam testing