Motorized potentiometers

And other ways to remotely control existing dials.

Suggestions from


Motorized potentiometers

from p3america:

Screen Shot 2015-05-11 at 1.38.41 PM


From Online Controls:

 Motorized faders

Sparkfun motorized fader (like the kind used in DAW control surfaces)


Servo control and sensing

from electronics stack exchange:



The Potentiometer Handbook by Carl David Todd:

Google search: servo to turn a knob

Shower temperature control from SmithyTech:

Arduino HVAC Servo Thermostat/Controller by tikka308:

What kind of motor would I need to turn this central heating valve? – observations about the difficulty of using robots to turn knobs

Sous vide cooker with feedback control:


Homemade Electric Telescope Focuser:


Use your Raspberry Pi to move parts of a robot or control anything that can rotate – by Rob Zwetsloot