ep-3xx41 Max – week 12

modern user Interface design:

Max For Live – part 2



  • chord2.amxd – a generative midi effect
  • gizmo-mod-example.amxd – (a Max help file made into an audio effect)

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Max patches

  • Basic Max For Live audio effect
  • M4L instrument
  • adapting a help file
  • Live packs (Max for Live essentials from Cycling74)

Assignment – generative music

Design a patch that composes music

Next monday I will be meeting with all of you individually. Its a great opportunity to ask questions about anything – or get help with projects, ideas, etc.,


ep-3xx41 Max – week 8

David Zicarelli from Cycling74


– Music is technology independent.
– Technology has a sound.

Music exists on a continuum from predicability to unpredicability

  • David on Miller Puckette: He programmed with a bottle of Scotch (a chemical version of Occam’s razor?) His code also featured swear words as variable names. And allegedly he did not always wear pants while working
  • One of Cycling74’s goals was simply to make Max into a commercial product.
  • I was rejected from every graduate  school music program that I applied to.
  • The Internet provides an equivalent way for introverts to seek out extroverted people.
  • I do wear pants when I’m working.
  • The “jumping Rhoomba” – [When you don’t understand how to program something you can get interesting results].
  • The world has the same properties as a musical instrument.
  • Nobody cares about technology – just the outcome.
  • Computers were designed for office work.
  • David Rokeby http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Rokeby Using cameras as controllers to make sound. (specularity)
  • For example, Autotune technology has a sound.


Make music based on the two concepts:

  • music is technology independent
  • technology has a sound
David said that he would be willing to listen to the results and offer suggestions.


ep-3xx41 Max – week 11

Max For Live

  • Max For Live gives you the ability to tweak almost any aspect of Ableton Live. Its equivalent to working under the hood of a car.


  • chord.amxd
  • tempo-test.amxd
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Assignment: synopsis

Write a very short composition or sound logo based on a synopsis of a movie, tv show, or product in City Shopper* – For example:

  • “A sheriff and deputy try to rid their town of thugs”
  • “An evil doll and its mate seek human form”
  • “Stewie looks into his future”
  • “National Aviation Academy: training aviation professionals since 1932”
Use Max For Live device(s) that you have designed or modified.
*You can use an alternate source. For example, write a composition for a product or film that you are trying to promote – As long as you can describe that product in one sentence.
Extra Credit: Perform the music using a controller that works with a Max For Live device.
Due on November 25.

Ruby tweetstream gem

Access to the Twitter streaming API


This gem looks to be a possible solution for connecting Max to Google Maps. I’m guessing that the code will look very similar to the ruby code which uses the twitter gem for status updates.


Here’s a blog entry:


Client documentation:


Here’s the Twitter documentation on whats getting returned:
