Index of classes.
By Tim Schenk
An example of the Soundcloud API in Max.
At the Cycling 74 Wiki
local version: tkzic/max teaching examples/souncloud-test
Javascript client side method to search Tweets bypassing Oauth.
Uses Twitter Widgets – parsing the ‘JSON like response’ using Jquery.
By Jason Mayes
Here is a sample URL that returns a response for the hashtag #cats using my widget: If you set up a Twitter widget, just replace the ID number in the URL with the one that shows up when you run your widget.
Here is a derivative project by Alessio Zappa that doesn’t use Jquery:
This method is not approved by Twitter. Use at your own risk:
local version – tkzic/Twitter-Post-Fetcher-master/
Twitter search for Max/MSP.
Uses mxj and the twitter4j library
By Gokce Kinayoglu
Note: installation instructions in readme.txt file with download. Requires copying of java classes and library files.
By robs
Installation guide:
How configure CMAKE for 32 bit architecture on Mac OS:
Note: this command allowed building static libs for 32 bit:
<span style="color: #000000;">$ cmake -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=i386 -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=OFF ..</span>
local files in: tkzic/soxr-0.1.1-Source/
“Create random modern art by simplifying images to their core elements.
The output is a geometric composition derived from file data of the original image.”
Little Bits meets Lego.