Passes audio input to output using web audio.
note: 6/2021 – this code needs updating to correct an error.
Only works in Chrome. Please turn down the volume, or use headphones, before you try it.
Passes audio input to output using web audio.
note: 6/2021 – this code needs updating to correct an error.
Only works in Chrome. Please turn down the volume, or use headphones, before you try it.
graphing using D3, including interactivity, SVG.
Examples use NYC transit system data.
by Mike Dewar
update 6/2014 – Just tried this example and its broken. Getting compile errors.
By Jer Thorpe
There is an example of a Jer Thorpe visualization with Processing which graphs occurences of Winnie The Pooh characters in the NYTimes since 1985
Local file in: Documents/processing/NYT_GraphMaker/NYT_GraphMaker
Accurate tracking of up to 10 fingers using the Macbook trackpad
By Michael and Max Egger? Makes the track pad on a Mac work like a touch screen. Also check out the that you can download from the link above.
A hidden feature, using the js object.
A tutorial by Andrew Benson and Tim Place at Cycling 74
Advanced Max sound and data processing.
Causes load errors in Max 6.1.x
At Stack Overflow
A More detailed approach.
Also at Stack Overflow
javascript code example…
By Net Follower
1. Synopsis from
2. Getting Started with Nokogiri
3. Tutorial book
4. XML search examples—cut-with-precision/