max-pd-abstractions index

Max abstractions that simulate Pd objects.

Each project is in a separate folder. Several projects require additional external objects or dependencies. Get instructions by clicking links next to each project names below.


max-pd-abstractions at Github:

Runs in Max 6.1.7 on Mac OS 10.9


cv.jit motion analysis

By Jean-Marc Pelletier

Motion Analysis

cv.jit.opticalflow Estimates the optical flow using various algorithms.
cv.jit.LKflow Estimates the optical flow using the Lucas-Kanade technique.
cv.jit.HSflow Estimates the optical flow using the Horn-Schunk technique.
cv.jit.track Track the position of up to 255 individual pixels.
cv.jit.features2track Initialize cv.jit.track to easiest pixels to track.
cv.jit.framesub Difference between consecutive frames.
cv.jit.shift Region tracking using the MeanShift and CAMShift algorithms.
cv.jit.touches Track multiple regions at a time. (Optimized for multi-touch interfaces.)


Project examples:



Video feedback generator

By Adam Schabtach at 

in Max/MSP examples: examples/jitter-examples/3rd-party/Cycle-delic.maxpat