Heterodyne filter in Max

Multiply by an analytic signal to detect the frequency of a sine wave.

When the frequencies match, the sum of the real and imaginary parts will be positive.



max-projects on Github: https://github.com/tkzic/max-projects

folder: heterodyne-filter

patch: heterodyne-test3.maxpat


Spectral freeze in Max

By Jean Francois-Charles

Freeze sounds with Max MSP Jitter using FFT and Inverse FFT. For this video to be really useful, you will need to download the free Max/MSP/Jitter patches on http://www.cycling74.com/share.html
To get more “under the hood” insight, download the free article “A Tutorial for Spectral Sound Processing with Max/MSP and Jitter” http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/comj.2008.32.3.87

note: local patches in tkzic/jfcharles/

Pitch tracking in Max

Two methods, In the time domain.

Counting zero crossings, in the time domain, to measure the period and frequency of a sine wave, using zerox~ and edge~

A patch by Mari Kimura that compares the Max fzero~ object with the IRCAM gbr.yin~ object – measuring frequency in the time domain. gbr.yin~ uses autocorrelation.

Note: gbr.yin~ is part of the FTM package. Download and install from here: http://ftm.ircam.fr/index.php/Download



folder: pitch-tracking


  • zerox-test.maxpat
  • MKtest-pitchtrack.maxpat