Rainmaker Launchpad sequencer in Max for Live

A sequencer that works like Tetris.

by Avery Rossow


  • press the User2 button to activate.
  • You’ll need a midi drum kit in the track
  • transport needs to be on
  • if the bottom button is red, then note is triggered once – if gets green then it loops
  • when you press one of the upper 7 buttons, the note starts falling, when it hits the bottom row, it plays

Cool matrixing in the sub-patches…

local file: Live set is in tkzic/max teaching examples/rainmaker-thing



The singing dunes

Simulation of mysterious dune sound.

by Raz Mesanai

Using Ableton Live instrument racks.

Here’s an attempt at replicating the set. Start the clip. Adjust instrument rack dials, or play using Midi: singing dunes

We copied the settings from screen shots in these videos:

Another one along the same lines