This app was built with Max.
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Using transfer functions with the lookup~ object.
From Cycling 74
Debugging a Max patch that speeds up arrow keys after you hold a key down for 2 seconds. The metro object was hanging the patch, no matter what the speed. Replacing the metro with qmetro solved the problem
5 part tutorial: hooking up the Arduino to Max via the USB port
By Darwin Grosse at
By Dan Nigrin, Oli Larkin, and James Howard Young
“Advanced Topics in Max/MSP/Jitter”
At the Parsons School of Design
If you look at the vst~ help file. Under the Plugin Names tab – there’s a bpatcher which uses javascript code: get_plugs.js to retrieve a list of all AU and VST plugins on the machine.
One of my favorites
There are instructions at – which are expanded upon here.
// Create an Audiobus instance self.audiobusController = [[[ABAudiobusController alloc] initWithAppLaunchURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"genfilter.audiobus://"] apiKey:@"MTM4MDY1ODQzNSoqKkdlbkZpbHRlcioqKmdlbmZpbHRlci5hdWRpb2J1czovLw==:caS8WT1r4OmYz6t89pDq37qNi29hwFba+7+7bP8WubzyKN7Xj+tnU31/Wcaw580zQg8Jz+vC6Ha0H+qDM9JhdBxfQZ7w/R0VHrvsbZYQEJkj1bNpg2h2DfsF1mvFr6jb"] autorelease];