Examples from Andy Farnell’s “Designing Sound” recreated in SuperCollider.
By various authors, at WIkiBooks
Examples from Andy Farnell’s “Designing Sound” recreated in SuperCollider.
By various authors, at WIkiBooks
By Sonic Academy
I have set up an example set based on this video and also using auto fade out/in buttons.
Local file: dummy clips example3
Sample an entire song
Local Files:
Ableton teaching examples
video editor
To rip from Youtube, do: Open | URL Here’s a tutorial:
Artist and Max programmer.
Light paint:
Another mindless project…
analog (audio) (API) | a |
bluetooth | b |
conduction (conversation) (computers) | c |
digital | d |
electro-magnetic (electric) | e |
fluid (hydraulic) | f |
gear (mechanical) (game) | g |
human (animal) | h |
internet (ethernet) | i |
jamming (improvisation) | j |
konvection (convection) | k |
light | l |
MIDI (music) (magic) (mysticism) | m |
eNtropy | n |
OSC | o |
plant (picture) (parallel) (particles) | p |
quantum | q |
radio (radiation) | r |
serial | s |
thought (touch) (talking) | t |
USB | u |
video (camera) | v |
wireless (wifi) (waves) | w |
eXtraterrestrial | x |
gravitY | y |
zero-point | z |
By Oli Larkin
I actually got this running somewhere back in May…
(Look up message sent to David Z. for more clues on this – or the example on macbook.)
Externals By Arvid Tomyako (must be part of Oli’s project)