Web Audio Playground Max, Osc, and WebSockets

updated 5/17/2014


This fork adds the following features to Chris Wilson’s Web Audio Playground:

  • basic patch load/save capability
  • clipboard copy/paste to get patches in and out of browser
  • OSC control of all parameters using web sockets and a ruby server.

Try it out at: http:zerokidz.com/wap/index.html

For optimum results try Chrome on Mac OS. But it does work in other browsers.

Patch file format is JSON. Patches are reloaded by firing gesture events which created them.


Source code: https://github.com/tkzic/WebAudio


sub-folder: osctest

Instructions for Osc, Websockets Max/MSP example

Note: You can either run a local web server, using nodeserver.js and index.html – in the WebAudio folder – or use the online version of WAP as described here.

1.  Load WAP in a Google Chrome browser using the following URL: http:zerokidz.com/wap/index.html

2. In WAP, load a patch called: delay-thing.

Note: If the patch doesn’t exist you can paste it in by opening the file osctest/delay-thing.json in a text editor and copying the text. Then click paste in WAP and paste in the text. Then make sure to save it in WAP by typing in the name “delay-thing” and clicking the save-as: button

3. In a terminal window, go to the osctest/ folder and start the server by typing:

ruby ./wapOSCserver.rb

4. In WAP, Press the OSC button – the ruby server should acknowledge with the message: “WebSocket connection open”

5. Open the Max patch: wapOSCtester.maxpat

6. In WAP press the play button on the Oscillator module (you should hear sounds)

7. In the Max patch drag the slider on the left to control the oscillator pitch. You should hear the sound change and see the sliders move in WAP.

Notes on Web Sockets connection:

The html side of the connection is done in js/socketsOSC.js

look at the function: connectOSC() – which gets triggered by the OSC button in index.html

Incoming messages from Max (via Ruby server) are parsed in parseOSCMessage() which figures out how to set appropriate values for the audio objects in the DOM.

There are currently no acknowledgement or error messages being returned (at least I don’t remember doing this)

The sound of a new machine

Using internet ping data to control a synthesizer in Max

This project uses ‘ping’ times to about 40 Google domains, like google.ca, google.de, etc., to control pitch and amplitude of a 20 voice droning synthesizer.

Imagine working in a Google control center. A soothing low pitched drone fills the room. Then Suddenly you hear a slowly rising pitch. You check the monitors – Google Paraguay is experiencing network failure. You light a cigarette and wait for things to calm down.

update 2/6/2021

Not using ruby to ping – due to API shutting down. The new version uses the Max [shell] external to ping from the command line.



folder: ping


main Max patch
  • sound-of-a-new-machine3.maxpat
abstractions and other files


  • Open the Max patch: sound-of-a-new-machine3.maxpat
  • Turn on audio. Turn up the gain.
  • In the Max patch, click the toggle box to start polling. It may take a minute to hear any sounds, while the oscillators are loading. Increase polling speed to 400 or so if you can’t wait.
  • Another reason you might not hear anything interesting is if the clip threshold is too low. Watch the incoming ping times and set the clip threshold above the average level.
  • Adjust the pitch multiplier to your desired pitch range. It will take some time for all of the oscillators to adjust after a pitch change.
  • If you hear clicks or pops, try reducing the sample rate to 44.1 KHz, or increasing the IO vector size (in Options | Audio Status).

note: Occasionally the server program will time-out when its launched. Try launching again, or edit it and increase the timeout value in [p shellping].

deprecated information for previous version using ruby

The server is a ruby script which handles the http: requests using the Mashape ping-uin API and sends messages to Max using OSC

The synth has a weird clustering drone like effect like some kind of alien life force.

The patch design is kind of embarrassing. Its obvious I forgot how to use [poly~]. Maybe by the time you read this, we’ll have addressed this.  Hey billions of patch cords look cool.

Here’s an example of the Mashape API in curl

curl --include --request GET 'https://igor-zachetly-ping-uin.p.mashape.com/pinguin.php?address=google.ca' \
  --header 'X-Mashape-Authorization: YOUR-MASHAPE-API-KEY'

Here’s a list of Google domains




folder: ping


main Max patch
  • sound-of-a-new-machine2.maxpat
abstractions and other files
  • google.txt (list of domains for [coll] object
  • domain-ping.rb

ruby gems

install the following ruby gems using: sudo xcrun gem install <gem-name>

  • require ‘osc-ruby’
  • require ‘patron’
  • require ‘json’


  • Register with mashape http://mashape.com to get an API-key for ping-uin
  • Then edit domain-ping.rb to enter your mashape API-key.


  • Open the Max patch: sound-of-a-new-machine2.maxpat
  • Turn on audio. Turn up the gain.
  • From a terminal window type the following command
# ./domain-ping.rb

  •  In the Max patch, click the toggle box to start polling. It may take a minute to hear any sounds, while the oscillators are loading. Increase polling speed to 400 or so if you can’t wait.
  • Another reason you might not hear anything interesting is if the clip threshold is too low. Watch the incoming ping times and set the clip threshold above the average level.
  • Adjust the pitch multiplier to your desired pitch range.
  • When you’ve had enough, type <ctrl-c> in the terminal window to stop the server.

note: Occasionally the server program will time-out when its launched. Try launching again, or edit it and increase the timeout value.


RGB LED globe

I have been distracted today by an idea to make a globe (any size) out of RGB led’s which would be addressable by lat/lon coordinates. I found a story about these guys who built a single 40 led ring which rotates – at a certain frame rate – with 200 addressable positions – ie., 40×200.

by Solderlab


Here’s an example of spherical projection mapping

by Hrvoje Benko at Microsoft Research

A patent application for a spherical electronic LCD display.

By Robin Dziama
