Using beatrepeat and autofilter as inline effects.
By Nigel Sifantus
Local file tkzic/launchpad/nigelsifantus/test.als
Making beats using midi piano roll grids.
By Smitten at
Have started updating the saxophone looper program to work with launchpad and a keyboard.
Ideally the keyboard would record MIDI so that you could use it for any kind of built in instrument. With this first pass I’ve set it up to record audio – so at any time you can either play the keys, or play into the mic.
Also have thrown in some new drum kits.
Have kept footpedal assignments the same for now, just so I can go back to the original setups without reprogramming.
It looks like the cue output was originally assigned to 3/4 so we could route the drums out separately. Need to work on making this happen.
Looper wiring diagram and Notes
by Anna Graciela Arenas
Also contains resources for “light painting” in Max/MSP Jitter using a Wiimote.
video editor
To rip from Youtube, do: Open | URL Here’s a tutorial:
From Beloit, referred by Brooke LIbby…
From the 2016 list…
“Good music programmers are rock stars to the women of this generation, just as guitar players were for their mothers.”
Or their fathers?