Vast methane cloud
By Martin Laine at Digital Journal
A soft murmur
Ubuntu 14.04 loses wifi on suspend
A solution from Robbin at Stack Overflow
Inverse graphing calculator
Generate an equation for a graph of text.
By Sam Alexander
Plos One
International, peer-reviewed, open-access, online publication.
Features reports of original research from all disciplines within science and medicine.
Signal Processing For Communications
Shepard Tone upward glissando
Using generic Max/MSP objects.
By Christopher Dobrian
local file: tkzic/max teaching examples/1658shepardglissupward.maxpat
Falling Falling
Shepard Tone
A circular pitch illusion.
By Adrian Freed at CNMAT MMJ Depot.
Try running several instances of the patch and setting the metro rate to about 200 ms.