Open Source stabilization and autopilot platforms.
Arduino real time audio
Words for animal sounds in different languages
By The School of Engineering at The University of Adelaide
Arduino breadboard to real device
- Use a prototype shield
- Shrink wrap the connections
- Build the entire circuit, including an Arduino on another board
- Use pieces of “header strip” to make connectors – or find connectors that plug into headers.
- Put duct tape over the whole thing
AM transmitter using Arduino
By Markus Gritcsh at Dangerous Prototypes
Serial breakout boards
64 button controller shield
A MUX shield for an 8×8 button matrix
By Spikenzie Labs
Plus other cool shields
Arduino input multiplexing
- code example for 4051’s:
- datasheet for the 4051 multiplexer:
- Sparkfun MUX shield (48 inputs, outputs):
4051 example:
Another 4051 example with circuit diagram using piezo discs:
Arduino charlieplexing
Multiplexing with Arduino outputs, without using additional hardware
By Kevin Darrah
Arduino pull-up, pull-down resistors
If you are hooking up a switch of some kind, you can eaily make use of the internal pull up resistor. Usually we use a switch to turn on the electricity. You push the button and the line goes high. and you would need a pull down resistor to tie the input low. But we also make the electricity go the other way. You use the pull up resistor to tie the input high. You hook one end of the switch to the input and the other end to ground, then when you push the switch the input goes low. Then in your software you look for the input to go low when the button is pushed versus high.
from this thread: