The sound of a new machine

Using internet ping data to control a synthesizer in Max

This project uses ‘ping’ times to about 40 Google domains, like,, etc., to control pitch and amplitude of a 20 voice droning synthesizer.

Imagine working in a Google control center. A soothing low pitched drone fills the room. Then Suddenly you hear a slowly rising pitch. You check the monitors – Google Paraguay is experiencing network failure. You light a cigarette and wait for things to calm down.

update 2/6/2021

Not using ruby to ping – due to API shutting down. The new version uses the Max [shell] external to ping from the command line.


folder: ping


main Max patch
  • sound-of-a-new-machine3.maxpat
abstractions and other files


  • Open the Max patch: sound-of-a-new-machine3.maxpat
  • Turn on audio. Turn up the gain.
  • In the Max patch, click the toggle box to start polling. It may take a minute to hear any sounds, while the oscillators are loading. Increase polling speed to 400 or so if you can’t wait.
  • Another reason you might not hear anything interesting is if the clip threshold is too low. Watch the incoming ping times and set the clip threshold above the average level.
  • Adjust the pitch multiplier to your desired pitch range. It will take some time for all of the oscillators to adjust after a pitch change.
  • If you hear clicks or pops, try reducing the sample rate to 44.1 KHz, or increasing the IO vector size (in Options | Audio Status).

note: Occasionally the server program will time-out when its launched. Try launching again, or edit it and increase the timeout value in [p shellping].

deprecated information for previous version using ruby

The server is a ruby script which handles the http: requests using the Mashape ping-uin API and sends messages to Max using OSC

The synth has a weird clustering drone like effect like some kind of alien life force.

The patch design is kind of embarrassing. Its obvious I forgot how to use [poly~]. Maybe by the time you read this, we’ll have addressed this.  Hey billions of patch cords look cool.

Here’s an example of the Mashape API in curl

curl --include --request GET '' \
  --header 'X-Mashape-Authorization: YOUR-MASHAPE-API-KEY'

Here’s a list of Google domains


folder: ping


main Max patch
  • sound-of-a-new-machine2.maxpat
abstractions and other files
  • google.txt (list of domains for [coll] object
  • domain-ping.rb

ruby gems

install the following ruby gems using: sudo xcrun gem install <gem-name>

  • require ‘osc-ruby’
  • require ‘patron’
  • require ‘json’


  • Register with mashape to get an API-key for ping-uin
  • Then edit domain-ping.rb to enter your mashape API-key.


  • Open the Max patch: sound-of-a-new-machine2.maxpat
  • Turn on audio. Turn up the gain.
  • From a terminal window type the following command
# ./domain-ping.rb

  •  In the Max patch, click the toggle box to start polling. It may take a minute to hear any sounds, while the oscillators are loading. Increase polling speed to 400 or so if you can’t wait.
  • Another reason you might not hear anything interesting is if the clip threshold is too low. Watch the incoming ping times and set the clip threshold above the average level.
  • Adjust the pitch multiplier to your desired pitch range.
  • When you’ve had enough, type <ctrl-c> in the terminal window to stop the server.

note: Occasionally the server program will time-out when its launched. Try launching again, or edit it and increase the timeout value.


Internet sensors projects


A series of projects that use Internet API’s for interactive media projects.

updated 2/14/2021.

Projects have been tested on Max8 and Mac OS Catalina – except where noted.  Other dependencies are are listed on individual project pages.

My goal is to show a variety of methods to get data to and from Max. API’s come and go, as do the libraries that support them.


internet-sensors is on Github at:

Each project is in a separate folder.


Some projects require passwords and API-keys from providers.

For example, for the ‘Twitter streaming API in Max’ project you’ll need to set up a Twitter application from your account to get authorization credentials.

For projects that need authorization usually you’ll just need to modify the patches/source code with your user information – as directed in the instructions.  The API keys embedded in the code will not work unless specifically mentioned, like with the Google speech API.


API’s used in the projects change fairly often. So there’s no guarantee they’ll work. If you find problems or have ideas – please post to them to the github repository. Or email me at [email protected].


1. Twitter streaming API in Max (FM, php, curl, geocoding, [aka.speech], Soundflower (optional), Morse code, OSC, data recorder, Twitter v1.1 API, Twitter Apps, Oauth)

2. Sending tweets from Max using curl ([sprintf], [], API, API, JSON, javascript Twitter v1.1 API, Oauth)

deprecated 2/11/2021 – old project link here:

3. Send and receive tweets in Max using ruby (ruby, API, JSON, javascript Twitter v1.1 API, OSC, Oauth)

New! – use the project above to send tweets from using a Fisher Price “Little Tikes” piano:

4. Speech to text in Max (Google speech API, JSON, javascript, sox, Twitter v1.1 API, Oauth)

Note: Send Tweets using speech as well.

5. A conversation with a robot in Max (Google speech API, sox, JSON,  pandorabots API, python, [aka.speech]

7. Playing bird calls in Max (xeno-canto API, [jit.uldl], [])

8. Soundcloud API in Max (node.js)


9. Real time train map using Max and node.js (XML, JSON, OSC, data recorder, web sockets, Irish Rail API)

10. stock market music in Max (OSC, netcat,  php, mysql, html, javascript, Yahoo API, linux)

…updates in progress…

11. Using weather forecast data to drive weather sounds in Pure Data (ruby, OSC, JSON, openweathermap API, “Designing Sound” by Andy Farnell)

… updates in progress…

12. Using ping times to control oscilators in Max (Mashape ping-uin API, ruby, OSC, JSON)

13. Spotify Segment analysis player – sonification of audio analysis data from Spotify (echo nest) API, node,  Max/MSP)

14. Quadcopter AR_drone – Fly a quadcopter using Max – with streaming Web video. ( node.js, AR_drone, Google Chrome, Osc, Max/MSP)

deprecated 2/14/2021 – old project link:

15. Adding markers to Google Maps in Max – ( node.js, ruby, Google Chrome, Osc, Max/MSP, websockets, Google Maps API, Jquery, javascript)

deprecated 2/14/2021 – old project link:

16. Max data recorder –  Record and play back streams of data simultaneously at various rates

17. MBTA bus data in Max –  Sonification of Mass Ave buses, from Harvard to Dudley

… updates in progress…

Screen Shot 2014-11-11 at 3.26.16 PM


Using wind forecast data to generate wind sounds with Pd

This project receives wind data from the U.S. Coastal Observing Research and Development Center (CORDC) at Scripps Institute of Oceanography  the API

It uses the data to set the ‘wind speed’ of Andy Farnell’s wind sound patches from “Designing Sound”

Error 4/26/2014

Getting a parsing error on the ruby script. Will be debugging shortly!

<span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">/Users/tkzic/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p353@global/gems/json-1.8.1/lib/json/common.rb:155:in `initialize': A JSON text must at least contain two octets! (JSON::ParserError)</span>
<span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">from /Users/tkzic/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p353@global/gems/json-1.8.1/lib/json/common.rb:155:in `new'</span>
<span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">from /Users/tkzic/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p353@global/gems/json-1.8.1/lib/json/common.rb:155:in `parse'</span>
<span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">from ./wind-open-forecast.rb:92:in `&lt;main&gt;'</span>


The http: requests are managed by a ruby server script and sent via OSC to Pure Data.

Two of Andy Farnell’s patches are also running (with very slight mods): wind4a.pd, and thunder4a.pd

From pd, you can select which city to get data from, and control the rate at which the data is replayed from the ruby server. The forecast cycle is about 3 days long.

From the pd patch you can select the rate of data playback, and select which city to use for data (Santa Cruz or San Diego).

Note: the wind speed expected by Andy Farnell’s wind patch is between 0 and about 0.7


folder: pd-weather


main Pd patches
  • wind-open-machine.pd
  • thunder4a.pd
  • wind4a.pd
pd abstractions

designingSound/ folder:

Add this folder to the path list in Pd before the system files because the distance.pd abstraction has the same name as a system file used for map distances.

  • distance.pd
  • fcpan.pd
  • strike-pattern.pd
  • strike-sound.pd
  • udly.pd
  • wind-open-forecast.rb
required gems include:
  • osc-ruby
  • patron
  • json


  • none required


1. Open all three pd patches
  • wind-open-machine.pd
  • thunder4a.pd
  • wind4a.pd
2. Turn audio on
3. start the ruby script from a terminal window by typing

(NOTE: Sometimes the ruby script will time-out when you first launch it. Just run it again.)

4. You can tweak various parameters to scale the effect of the wind data on the sounds

revision history


currently getting this error in the ruby server – need to rewrite:

  • update 3-25-2013 If you are running this  project and getting errors from the ruby script –   CORDC is not producing wind data – so please use this workaround – which uses the API


sending Tweets from Max using ruby,, and

This is a ruby version of the Max tweetCurl5 patch (which tweets via described here:

In this version, the Max patch communicates via OSC to a background server running in ruby. An advantage of this method is that both the patch and the server are  compact and easy to understand. The Max patch does things in a Max way. And likewise with the ruby script.

Here’s a screen shot of the Max patch:



  • ruby-max-tweet.maxpat


  • ruby-max-tweet.rb

The ruby script requires installation of the following gems

  • patron
  • osc-ruby

For example:

# gem install patron


  • The feed id and api-key are embedded in ruby script
  • To get this project to work you’ll need a Twitter account. And you’ll need to set up a device (feed) at and a ‘zap’ at as directed in this post. It explains how to send tweets using triggers.


  • Open the Max patch: ruby-max-tweet
  • In a terminal window run the ruby script:
  • # ./ruby-max-tweet.rb
  • In the Max patch, type in a tweet. Press the green button to send.
  • When you have Tweeted enough, end the ruby server program by typing <ctrl-c>


The files for this project can be downloaded from the intenet-sensors archive at github

Parsing Tweets

A method using regexp and php. Actually what this does is parse Tweets using regexp to reformat the text as html with links. A tutorial here:

This is a php library that breaks out hashtags, usernames, etc., but doesn’t really provide a way to isolate the remaining stuff. I have put it in tkzic/API –  there is an example php program provided.

hashtags – using regular expressions

twitter-text-rb : ruby gem which parses out usernames and hashtags