csound M4L devices made from Max help patches

Examples of editing Max help files to build Csound M4L devices


A formant based Midi synth using Csound FOF – from the Max help file for [csound~]

from “The Csound Book” by Dr. Richard Boulanger



folder: csound

device: csound-fof3-tz.amxd


  • drag csound-fof3-tz.amxd file into a midi track
  • arm the track for recording and play some midi notes


Sample playback using a state variable filter using Csound SVFILTER – from the Max help file for [csound~]

from “The Csound Book” by Dr. Richard Boulanger



folder: csound

device: svfilter-tz.amxd


  • drag svfilter-tz.amxd file into a midi track
  • drag a file into the waveform display (or use the default file)
  • With the mouse, select a section of the waveform to start playback

general suggestions

for converting Max help files to M4L devices:

  • Replace UI objects with Live versions. For example, toggle becomes live.toggle
  • Replace audio inputs/outputs with plugin~/plugout~
  • Select UI objects for presentation mode
  • In inspector, change default Scripting names for UI objects to allow automation