New SC playlists – piano music 3

Demo tracks are now available in these Soundcloud playlists for an upcoming recording project. The letter ‘c’ following a track name indicates the chart has been completed.



New SC playlists – piano music 4

Demo tracks are now available in these Soundcloud playlists for an upcoming recording project. The letter ‘c’ following a track name indicates the chart has been completed.



New SC playlists – piano music 5

Demo tracks are now available in these Soundcloud playlists for an upcoming recording project. The letter ‘c’ following a track name indicates the chart has been completed.



New SC playlists – piano music 6

Demo tracks are now available in these Soundcloud playlists for an upcoming recording project. The letter ‘c’ following a track name indicates the chart has been completed.



New SC playlists – piano music 7

Demo tracks are now available in these Soundcloud playlists for an upcoming recording project. The letter ‘c’ following a track name indicates the chart has been completed.



Granular Timestretching in Max/MSP using mc objects

This example uses 30 channels to create a roomful of Barack Obamas.

This project is under construction and not yet available:

temporary files


  • mc_granular2.maxpat
  • obama.aiff

The original idea was to adapt Andy Farnell’s PSOLA granular timestretch algorithm to run using multiple voices – using Max mc object wrapper. After many attempts, the results just sounded like mostly noise.

So I started over, using a mc granular example that comes with Max8. In this example, a metro object triggers each new voice instance. I found that by altering the rate of that metro using a [drunk] object, ie.,  random-walk. It would give a good approximation of the natural cycles of density that happen in a crowd of people talking.

The other changes were adding wider ranges to the sliders and more control over the overall playback speed.

Also there was a problem in the example that prevented the voices from being recycled properly.


clean up the patch, add presets, and document.






Mars flight simulator (beta)

Mars flight simulator using ARCGIS javascript API and a synchronized control panel in Max/MSP

This project is under construction. And not yet available.

temporary files


  • mars7.html – ARCGIS API javascript code (run in browser)
  • maxplanet.maxpat (Max control panel)
  • maxplanet.js (node.js maxAPI interface for web sockets)

The js code in the html file is completely self contained. ie., will run without Max. The control panel is synchronized with the Max control panel using mutation observers in javascript to watch for changes to the control panel objects and notify the Max patch

to be done:
  • Need to get permission from ARCGIS to release this as open source.
  • Music and sound
  • Improve animation with better acceleration/deceleration in animations


Realtime Boston train map

Animated symbols on a map using Leaflet (open street map) and node.js

This project is under construction:

It uses Leaflet to handle map graphic layers and Stamen for the underlying map.

The data is provided via websockets using a node server

Temporary local files


  • tn.js (background node server: mbta api and websockets)
  • leafredline1.html (handles leaflet code) and must be run on a web server.

After the map loads, scroll down and send the message “go” to open the websocket.


The animation of the train symbols is very primitive. It redraws the entire train line with each polling request.

There are better methods to move symbols on a leaflet map – to be used in subsequent versions.